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      As we walked up the stairs, I asked Alix,

"I'm not trying to get too personal, but how did you die?"

She looked at me and frowned, and her eyes seemed to water. I quickly changed my mind,

"I-It's okay if you don't want to tell me..You don't have to."

There was emptiness in her eyes, like a large void that was slowly sucking in her emotions, leaving her numb.

"...Can you promise me that you won't tell anybody?"

I nodded,

"I swear to the gods."

She hesitated for a moment, then she mumbled,

"Got in a fight with a demigod. He killed me, with his weapon. His name was, or is, or will be, Zachary...And I failed to protect what I loved the most."

We stopped walking up the stairs. Tears were falling from her almond-shaped eyes, trickling down her cheeks, and fell to the ground. I hugged her tight, and tried to comfort her in a soft voice,

"Shh...It's okay to cry; let it all out. You didn't fail, not yet, because you are now in this time. We'll talk to Hades, fix your problem and my amnesia, and you'll destroy that Zachary. Okay?"

I let go, and placed my hands on her shoulders, she smiled at me through her tears,


We started to escalate the stairs quickly, almost running, and I exclaimed, 

"This way! We just have to find Hades and-"

I bumped against another body, and fell backwards, but luckily Alix was able to catch me. I looked up to see who I bumped into, and I saw a twenty year-old young man with dark brown eyes. They were the colour of the fallen leaves in autumn. He had an unfriendly smile plastered on his pale face, and it seemed that his jet black coat was made out of shadows. 

"Looking for me?"

He raised an eyebrow, and I noticed that his voice was gravely. Alix, who helped me stand up, replied,

"Yes. Yes we were. I now that you might seem upset for seeing two souls escape Elysium, but we have our reasons. Now, if you would be so kind, then maybe you would let us explain somewhere more private, and less awkward. Maybe we walk and talk?"

I was in awe for how confident she sounded. I glanced back at Hades, who had a bent finger on his lip, probably thinking to himself. He frowned, and started to question us,

"How do I know that this is not a trick?"

I started to panic, the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and i wiped my sticky forehead, which was covered with a layer of sweat. Alix, on the other hand, seemed perfectly normal, and explained,

"In the future-Or in my point of view, the present, I try to protect one of your daughters. Why would I try to hurt you, if on this timeline I try to protect the good people?"

Even though Alix's ancestors were titans, (god and titans were enemies) she really seemed to convince Hades. 

"Even as a demi-titanness, I trust you. Alix, Psyche, let's walk."

I felt a flashback of when Eros would call be Psyche. His honeyed voice seemed to sing whenever he pronounced my name.

"M-my name is Psyche?" 

I asked, and Hades quickly nodded. Alix's eyes began to regain its sparkle, and she put a fist in the air and shouted,

"So you're the beautiful Psyche! It all makes sense now!"

I giggled at how excited she seemed to be. 

"What do you mean by 'it all makes sense now'?"

I asked, and she lowered her fist and replied, 

"Well, you looked a lot like her, and the reason why I trusted you was because of your aura. It's a positive colour, which resembles kindness."

Hades made a gesture of agreement, and he offered me his hand, though in his eyes there was sadness,

"Let's talk, Psyche.."

And we all arrived near the fields of punishment.

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