She Found Out

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      I sat on top of the bed, and I could still smell his faint scent on the mattress. The blood was falling like rain droplets out from the area where I placed the blade, which had wine red dry blood. The blade was now making it go from wine red to brown.

I betrayed him. The mattress was now soaked with the rain droplets which were creating a wine red puddle. I clenched my hand, and then teared one of the stainless sheets and enveloped my bleeding hand with it. Tears fell out of my eyes again like a water dam, spilling down my face. I felt every single muscle in my body tremble, especially the ones in my cheeks and stomach, the baby kicking.

"Not now."

I cried. There was static in my head-the side effect of what I've done. Salty drops fall from my chin, soaking the top of my tunic. I sniffed the mucus that I was creating, and I felt my sweat falling like droplets of the same blood that is now dry on my hand.

I needed him back. I can't deal with shit being pregnant. I slapped my face, but nothing happened. This wasn't one of those cliche nightmares that are told in stories where you are having a bad moment and you hurt yourself and you wake up, with everything normal. No. This was my reality.

     Blood kept of falling from my forehead. The scene of what just happened kept replaying in my head over and over again. Did my sisters just manipulate me? I could swear that they were jealous. Idiot. I though to myself. So fucking stupid. Then I saw a figure by the door, and I felt like the static was now making me paralyzed. Her hair was liquid sunshine flowing down her tan skin and stopping at her hips, so long that it was striking.

"You betrayed him." She simply said.

Oh. I thought. Aphrodite. I swear to the Gods that she is one mythic bitch, nothing like Eros. I responded with obvious sarcasm,

"Thank you, for saying the unnecessary facts that I already know of."

She was opening her mouth to snap at me, and I held a hand up,

"Before you threaten me with your bullshit, I just want to say that you are a terrible goddess for being jealous, over something so fucking stupid."

"Watch your mouth, girlie."

Her eyes kept changing colours, and each colour lacked the sparkle, mostly because she suffered from anger issues,

"You have shown a myriad of disrespect to me, and especially to my son."


"You act like you don't care, yet you were sweating blood over what happened."

"I never said that I cared. Nor did I purposely disrespect him. My sisters manipulated me."

I snapped, my tone cold.

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