The Change In Time

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      I was in the living room, with my sisters. Something told me that this happened before, but this was the very first time that they visited the castle. I decided to ignore that thought.  Both of my sisters looked at me, but I then realised that there was a malicious look in both of their eyes, the colours vibrant. Dawn began to ask,

"What if Eros is a monster, or worse-ugly?"

I realized, that their ignorant minds were trying to influence me into doing things only an ignorant would do. Evil thoughts only get to you if you give them the fuel to. I closed my eyes, a smile forming across my curled lip, and my child was still- as if the baby were patiently listening inside my belly. I stated,

"The Oracle would never lie."

I slowly opened my eyes, to only see Dawn exchanging looks with Miracle, until her face was scarlet. She clenched her fists, and bared her teeth to throw a hailstorm at me,

"Psyche, you fool! You will be married to a monster, and you're just here, blindly trusting a fucking old being from more than thousands of years ago?"

I arched an eyebrow at her,

"Since when did the truth have an expiration date?"

Her face was still red, and she furrowed her eyebrows,

"I-well, uh..."

She tried spitting out more flames from her wicked tongue, until she snapped the branch from the tree,

"We're helping-"

I gestured a stop  with my palm. 

"No, you're not," I remained my calm, "You're jealous. Both of you. I should've known."

I sighed,

"One day you'll learn to not hold on to fear and hatred, but to only love, and maybe with some time, will you two learn that true beauty-such as Eros's, will not be seen by sight, but by the heart."

Both of them said nothing, but I could sense their anger. I would not accept it, so it's theirs. They stomped out of the castle. almost running away, and I walked down the hallway to Eros's room, where he was probably sleeping. The baby was surprisingly calm, and Eros woke up. I could tell, since I heard a yawn, and he gently whispered to me,

"Psyche, I have something very important to tell you."

I hopped on top of the bed, the music stopped, and felt nervous. 

"I'm listening."

I stopped smiling, and he held my hands on his, and he spoke very slowly, as if the honey were flowing out of his precious lips. 

"I've realised," He said, "I've realised how special you are to me, Psyche. Every day my love for you grows stronger, and I've noticed that you are so faithful to me. Will you promise me two things?"

I quickly nodded, wondering where these beautiful words have been my whole life, and I heard from his handsome voice,

"First thing, if I reveal who I am, will you promise that you'll still love me?"

I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing a little,

"Of course, my love."

I closed my eyes, feeling his lips pressed against mine, stroking my hair delicately, and he moved his light kissed down my neck. He breathed against it, and whispered, 

"Open your eyes."

I opened them,  and let go of the embrace. The view was far more beautiful than what I've imagined. It was a young man, about my age, with olive brown skin, and amber eyes glistening without the sunlight, and his pastel pink lips formed a huge smile, like the one you see by a puppy, and he declared the words I've been only dreaming of when I was younger,

"Psyche, will you promise me, that no matter what happens, no matter how far time goes, will you stay with me forever, and marry me?"

He made me hold a golden apple, and I covered it with tears, looking at him,



The baby was jumping inside of my belly, and he spread out his angelic wings (I've never seen them until now) and he carried me, the wind swirling around us, and we gently landed on the soft grass of the magical garden. He let go of me, and cried,

"My servants and friends! Reaveal yourselves!"

Men and women appeared; from the ones who served me food, to the ones playing the music. I looked back at Eros,

"Who will come to our wedding?"

I giggled. He held my hands, and fixed his gaze upon the scenery of the garden,

"Your true family: Other gods, demigods, and all the mortals who loved and supported you. Turn around."

And so I did, a bright blue lightning stroke the grass from the distance, forming into the shape of a human, Zeus. He smiled, and thousands of other gods and goddesses appeared along with him. Poseidon, Hades, Demeter- you name it. Demigods appeared doing cartwheels and and cheering us, and mortals walked across the garden, admiring the view as I once did. Then, I saw a strange dark figure, in a mysterious cloak of souls and shadows, and I soon realized that it was Hades, who for the first time smiled as if he were approving our marriage. I felt a hand on my cheek, and I turned around to see Eros, stealing a kiss from me, his tongue wrapped around mine's, and when he let go, he was blushing,

"Your dress. Your hair. Your makeup. Oh my gods, Psyche, you're so beautiful."

I looked at my clothes, and I've seen that they changed. I was wearing a white dress that was hugging my body, shimmering in the light, with pink pearls holding it together. My hair laid in curls, shining in the sun, and were being blown by some sort of force, and I was being lifted in the air. Light was shining within me, and a myriad of butterflies from all the beautiful hues were enveloping me, and I felt a pair of wings flapping from my back. I looked to my right, and I saw huge, translucent pink butterfly wings taking me to the sky, and I glanced down to see Eros using his wings to fly towards me. We were soon above the milky clouds, and as we embraced each other, I understood now. Eros is the true god of love, I am now the goddess of the soul, and with our union, we will soon give birth to Hedone, goddess of happiness. 

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