The Oracle Brings A Misfortune

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Before I could object, she called our other sister, Dawn, to take me to the oracle. As Dawn and I searched around Greece to find it, we saw a white stadium with the columns wrapped in ivy, like a present they give you when it's your birthday. In the temple, there was a corpse, sitting down.

"This is as far as I can take you,"

Dawn smiled at me, exposing her white teeth,

"Good luck."

Leaving me alone, with the decaying body. The corpse had lifeless, white eyes, and her tunic was ripped, revealing her rotting, grey skin; I wanted to puke. I ungracefully walked towards her, almost tripping over the unevenness of the stones. I chewed the inside of my cheek,

"Delphi? Will I ever find love?"

Delphi was then surrounded by a thick layer of smoke-so much that I couldn't see her, and the smoke made its way to my mouth, filled my lungs, making it hard for me to breathe. Then, I heard a voice emitting from her,

"You shall find love, and It will be with a monster that even the gods themselves fear."

My jaw felt like it fell off my mouth. The word "monster" felt like a noose making its way around my neck, and I found it even harder to take in oxygen.

"Wait in a cliff until your love takes you to his mansion."

The smoke vanished, and I collapsed, gasping for air. When I got myself together, I processed everything that has happened, and anger took hold on me- I wanted to scream at the gods, to break something, do anything to get rid of my fate; but I knew that there was nothing that could be done about it. I should be happy that I will find love, but not with a being that even the most powerful divine forces scream out of terror from it. I let out a sharp exhale- I had to go to a cliff; I was forced to.

Many rocks were scattered on the cliff, and I constantly had to kick them around so that I could sit down without getting my ass hurt. I sat there, watching the view. As the sun was setting the sky was on fire, and the orange hues would go to pink. The clouds were like cotton, so they were so pink it seemed as if they were blushing.

I saw silhouettes of birds flying away as the darkness took over the daytime, and a million stars were painted in the sky. It seemed like an hour passed-maybe two-but I didn't mind; Nature was truly beautiful and I had to live with it.

A soothing breeze came over me, and whispered in my ear,

"Come, and let me take you to where you belong."

It was Zephyr, the west wind, and I felt the air envelope around my body, and I was lifted in the air.

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