First Trial

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      This part of the garden was a part where I haven't seen before. There was just spiky grass and a few silhouettes of a tree. This part was darker, and the trees that were once homes of many creatures with the myriad of green now was lifeless sticks of charcoal. A forest fire, I assumed. No..The more logical cause of It would be because of Eros's aura being gone.

      I sat on top of a stump, the wood raw and rough. I simply stared at Aphrodite, waiting for any death trap. Her eyes were now the colour of dove feathers, grey with tinges of onyx black and blue. I never saw the point of constantly changing one's eye colour, but It wasn't my place to judge. I already upset her enough.

"Sort this pile full of sand, dirt, gravel and grain,"

She ordered. Then a pile of greys and different tones of brown swirled together appeared out of nowhere, and I felt my jaw drop,

"But that is impossible!"

I protested. She rolled her eyes, which were now blue,

"If dumb animals can do it, so can you, Ms. Psyche."

"No mortal can do that!"

Before I could object more, she dissappeared, probably going to Olympus, to watch me struggle and suffer with other gods. I pouted. Wait, gods. No, Animals. If animals can do it, so can I.

Out of the dead landscape was a herd of ants, first scattered everywhere and then they walked in unison, like soldiers marching. They marched towards the pile, and before I could shoo them away, they sorted all the grains.

"We saw what happened, and we took pity of you."

I murmured,

"Thank you..All of you.."

I felt exitement in my adrenaline-I was one step closer in getting Eros back.

"Aphrodite! I finished my first trial!"

She appeared again, and saw the four piles. She then glanced at the ants, who were now running away,

"You got help."

She said bitterly,

"The second trial will be harder, and you won't get help so easily."

She stated. I sighed,

"Take me to the second trial."

A swirl of mist enveloped me, and the landscape changed again.

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