Unseen Man

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After seeing what looked like a castle, Zephyr then slowly put me on the ground and left without a word. Then, I was stunned by how modern the place was. In between the staircases were bright rose bushes, and as I stepped on the staircases, I've realised that they were brand new. There were no creaks nor groans from the stairs, unlike some staircases in my palace.

The corinthian columns were surrounding a rectangular pool full of steaming water, and each of them was linked to another column by an archway, and the ceiling was inlaid with gold. My bare feet felt cold with the marble stones, so I ran towards the water, craving for heat, and jumped onto the pool.

The warm water moved softly around my outstretched fingers, soothing my body from stress. The water crept towards my tunic and soaked it, relaxing me. All my worries left me. It was both transparent and opaque, with ever-growing rings encircling me. The warm sun made my cheeks warm, and suddenly I heard music.

The sounds flew with no effort, and it made me be at peace. It was an auditory massage for my mind, yet making me feel alive at the same time. It was a lovely invitation to feel ecstasy, and I happily accepted it. I observed the room, but nobody seemed to be there.

"Welcome to my palace."

I'm usually startled when somebody sneaks up on me, but this time It made me feel awake. The beautiful voice sounded like somebody was spilling honey and then tipped sugar. I turned around, but nobody was there.

"Hello!" I said, "Is this your palace? It's quite lovely! I'd like to see you though, where are you?"

A laughter echoed the whole room, and I no longer payed attention to the music. I swore the music stopped to hear his beautiful laughter, cheering me up, filling not only the room but the air with his gorgeous sounds coming from his chest,

"My you talk a lot for a curious and beautiful girl,"

I blushed when he said beautiful; It was like It had a new definition: A gift that the heavens gave to Earth, and him using that gift to describe me made me giggle,

"This palace is truly mine, and thank you for thinking that It's nice. I am right here."

I felt a hand stroking my cheek, yet nobody was there,

"The house is for you. When you finish with your bath come to the dining table, and we will accompany you with great honour."

I then realised that he was invisible, and I walked towards a large room, my wet feet leaving small puddles of water on the floor. The grand table filled the majority of the dark, romantic room, and the candles offered heat. A white table cloth was lifted in the air by invisible servants, I assumed, and was spread across the table. I then remembered that the music was still playing, but this time it was romantic, as well. Food appeared on the table: grapes, bread, wine, everything was delicious.

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