The trials

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Aphrodite's eyes were now the colour of milk chocolate spilled on a forest green. Sometimes the colours seemed to swirl together, but they did not sparkle at all.

"If you want my son back, then you are going to have to take four trials, each one risking your life and the baby's."

She calmly said, but her voice was still stern. She was stubborn as hell and no logic could enter from one ear and stay on her tiny divine brain. No, just no. Why didn't she just kill me?

I assumed that I was now one of her toys who she would aggressively torture, the same way a girl would rip her new doll apart. After that she would then kill me when she got bored of me.

The baby was now sleeping, softly moving around to make itself more comfortable. If I accepted these trials, then I would get Eros back and live a happy life. On the other hand, my sisters would get mad at me, hence they would disown me. Apart from that, I would risk the life of the baby..I didn't know what to do.

"Give me ten minutes."

I murmured. Aphrodite then walked outside of the room, leaving the door half opened. If I didn't accept the trial, then I would be unhappy for the rest of my pathetic life, but the baby would live, my sisters would own me still, and I wouldn't walk into a death sentence. Wait. I think that there is one way to win this battle. My weapon would be manipulation. I could use my beauty and make spirits and Gods pity me, and they could help me on the trials; but I feared that it might not even happen. I felt so fucking suicidal without Eros.

All of the blood was dry, and my anxiety calmed down. My tunic wasn't soaked with salty tears anymore, and it was as if almost nothing ever happened. Aphrodite then slipped through the door, her hand on her hips, swaying her pink tunic from side to side.

"Do you accept my trial, Psyche?"

She asked innocently, as if she didn't bitch at me a few seconds ago. I sharply inhaled,

"Aphrodite, I accept your trial to get my lover back."

The background around me changed, and I was in the garden.

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