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I was pregnant after going to Eros's room to get pleasure out of our relationship. The baby was dancing around my stomach as I ate grapes while sitting down on my living room. It was on a reclined chair made out of marble with pillows accompanying it, and a fireplace was in the back of the living room.

"I sent a letter to your sisters, and they are coming soon. The food is being made by the servants, and I'll be sleeping on my bedroom. Call me If you need anything."

He stated; and then he flew towards his bedroom. I felt excited yet nervous-I was going to see Miracle and Dawn again! Would they accept my relationship with Eros? Would they congratulate me for having a baby? All of these questions kept knocking around my head, so I decided to simply watch the fire crackle as I placed a pillow between my knees.

"Hey you lucky bitch! Long time since we've seen each other; yet I heard nothing from you!"

I turned around to see Miracle at the distance, and Dawn running towards me, her arms extended to attack me with a bear hug, her embrace making my body simultaneously cry in pain while the baby was kicking around,

"Eek! Psyche I missed you so much!"

"Ow, Dawn not so hard."

I hugged back,

"What was that kicking on the belly?" Asked Dawn, twirling her light brown hair with one finger.

"Uh, what kicking?"

I asked nervously. Miracle then walked towards me and poked my belly,

"She's pregnant. See, Dawn? I told you that she is horny as fuck."

"No I'm not."

"Yeah you are. Anyways, look at how beautiful this place is; And you keep it all to yourself. Speak of selfish."

"Don't you two have your own castles?"

"Yeah, and?" Asked Miracle. Dawn intervened, with envy in her violet eyes,

"You have your own servants, and you get the most amazing dresses you can find in Greece; Don't you think that it's too good to be true?"

I tried to keep my temper,

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," Dawn calmly stated,

"What if Eros is using you? You don't know how he looks like. What if he's a monster?"

I had that noose around my neck again. He would never hurt me, right?

"Or worse-ugly. You should find out how he looks like. If he's a monster, kill him before he kills you and the baby."

Miracle said. Eros still hasn't shown me how he looked like, and the oracle did say that I would fall in love with a monster. Maybe I should listen to my sisters. Time to kill him. I slowly nodded,

"If he dares to hurt the baby, or if he is actually a monster, he will die. If he is not a monster, then at least I'll know how he looks like."

Miracle had an malicious smile on her face, and Dawn nodded,

"We knew that you would be reasonable."

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