Angel's Kiss

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     The garden was more like a forest, extending to who knows where, and a silver wind carried the sweet scent of nectar. There were many butterflies; they were like floating flowers, whirling in many colours. Their scaly wings were more fragile than glass, blending in with the field of flowers, searching for that delicious food within the flowers. The daffodils on the ground were so rich in their golden heads, and they danced against the breeze like the flames of a phoenix that warmed the entire garden. The daisies were pure white, showing off their beauty. The core of the daisies were like tiny suns who decided to live around many petals. Of course, there were roses, standing out of the crowd, their petals stained in fiery reds.

I picked a rose, the stem feeling smooth and damp under my warm hand. I removed the large stem, twisting it in the shape of an imperfect circle, and I grabbed the heads of other roses, daisies, and daffodils and attached them to the stem, creating a flower crown and placed it over my head.

      A few of the friendly butterflies were attracted to my flowers like a magnet, and they were fluttering around me, trying to get a taste of the nectar. I took of my sandals, since humans needed to touch the Earth to feel part of it. The green grass felt soft under my feet as I walked towards a pond as flat as a mirror. The silver-blue water didn't have a single ripple coming out of it, and everything was quiet. If It weren't for the butterflies beating their wings, It would've felt like time has frozen. Sugarcanes bordered the beautiful pond, and small lily pads floated around like small green and pink boats, exploring the water.

"I can tell that you love the garden."

I could feel his wings beating against the breeze as he landed behind me. I didn't turn around,

"Indeed I am. I'm entranced by the beauty of it.."

I hesitated, I needed to know his name, but I was too shy. No, I had to know.

"By the way,"

I murmured,

"What is your name?"

After a moment of silence, he finally said,

"Call me Eros."


I echoed,

"I-I may not know how you look like yet, but that doesn't matter to me,"

I cleared my throat,

"But I love you."

I blushed, and I turned around, and I felt his hand touching my cheek, and he pressed his lips against mine. It wasn't enough. We then did a full-on, mouth open kiss. Our tongues twisted together, and our mouths fit together like two puzzle pieces attached together, meant for each other.

"One day you will find out."

Eros reassured me.

I was hugging Eros, although invisible, I could tell that he was beautiful on the inside. I didn't give two fucks if I didn't know how he looked like. His personality is enough for me.

"I love you too."

I could hear excitement in his voice, and we kissed again.

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