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I held my head as I massage the part where the ball hits me hard. I look at the student who belongs to the soccer team who's coming in my way to get the ball.

"I'm so sorry, Bro."

He said sincerely.

"It's fine. It's partly my fault I am in your area."

I said, he looked at his back when we heard a certain someone calling his name to get back in the practice already.

"Ai Ae! Come back here now! If you don't want to just give us the ball."

He look at me again apologetically.

"I am so sorry, Again. Excuse me."

I just nodded and when he saw that he immediately went back to his teammates to continue practicing. When he's gone I search the surroundings to look for Nack. He said he's just going to watch the practice but it seems like he is not here either. I decided to went to my room and change, when I passed by the study hall I saw students looking up for something.

"He is really good."

"Yeah. Too bad Punn wasn't available to represent the school so Wave got the chance to join the contest."

"Well girl, Wave is one of the Gifted students too. He is good at academics especially math, his looks are just bonus."

"Yeah right! But, he is so damn snob. I hate him because of his attitude."

I look up and saw a tarpaulin hanged in there with a big word of CONGRATULATIONS. Maybe it is for the regional contest the school joined in yesterday. I scan it clearly, the girl is right just looking at the way he is looking at the camera it confirms already that he has a one hell of an attitude. I've known him since he usually picked on Nack, I don't get it why they always fight. Nack might not be belong in the Gifted program but I can proudly say that he is one of the best in the school.

I was surprised when some girls yelled suddenly, I almost freaked out too when I saw what it was. A girl full of blood fell in from the rooftop! My eyes widen while I heard some cries somewhere, my hands shakes I can't stop it and suddenly from somewhere Wave appeared.

"This is just an hologram. You don't have to freaked out."

He said cooly looking down and when he raise his head he directly look at me. And I don't know why but my heart started to beat fast as if it wants to come out.

He didn't say anything after that then he suddenly walk out from the hall, the hologram disappeared the moment he is not in our sight anymore.

"Wow! That seems so real! He is so cool and mean in the same time."

"I told you. He got it all, too bad he is not the type of person to enter relationship."

"Why is that?"

I am looking at the two girls who keeps on talking about Wave-- I am not interested tho, but I don't know why I can't leave yet.

"Just heard he is waiting for someone to come back."

"Waaah. That girl is so lucky. Punn got Claire and now? I can't take it anymore if Wave is going to be in a relationship too."

After hearing the answer I decided to walk out the room also. Who can it be? Naaa. I am not interested right? Right? Right.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Nack.

"Yah! Where are you?"

"Huh? Why?"

"I thought you're going to watch the football practice?"

"When did I say that?"

"What? You forgot already? Last night! Duuuh."

He laughs on the other line.

"I am sorry. I can't remember really, but you can just go home. I am in the province now because of an emergency."

"What? Why?"

"Just. Family thing. Go home and take care, bye."

He ended the call without even saying goodbye. So I don't have a choice but to go home already since classes are not yet that good for me.


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