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I was just wandering at school after the last class when I heard a strange sound coming from the room at the corner. This place is what the students are talking about, it might be haunted but I am not a scared cat like the others.

"What's that?"

Due to my curiosity I walk to where the sounds are coming. My eyebrows crossed when I heard the cries with pain on it. With shaking hands I open the door slowly, giving me with an unexpectedly sight. I almost gasp out loud good thing I control my voice.

There in the room stood those unknown guys with some students seating on the chair blindfolded. I don't know what's the reason they are tied but it seems like there is something going on. I was about to go out because I might get caught when I saw a familiar body built.

Nack! I scanned the students and realize that everyone is from the special class, my eyes widen when a man was about to look at my direction I immediately close silently the door and runaway.

"Who's there!?"

Hearing that voice makes me run fast. I even heard footsteps as if they are running after me, even with out of breath I still run fast until I came in a room and when I look at it, it says THE GIFTED computer room I look left and right when I heard the footsteps coming close I sight and take my luck, I put my thumb finger in the access corner and before I knew it, it opened already. I didn't have time to think and just enter the room.

It was a bit cold and dark until one computer opened suddenly, out of curiosity again I walk to where it is.

"Have you ever asked yourself why you need to study hard? Have you ever think that no one in the teachers understands you? And why everyone wanted and nurture talented students but doesn't want to check how well they are doing personally? Is it the time we change that? Let me tell you a story about the school named Ridtha and the program called THE GIFTED."

That voice sounds familiar... When I check the video that was playing I confirmed that it is indeed me.

"I used to think that I can change the world on my own, I used to think that I am more special than others. But, now I know I was wrong and if you're seeing this video it means I've lost. But, it doesn't mean that we will lose forever. Listen, if you are watching this video it means you have powers and that power will help to make solutions to solve problem in this schools' system and I need it."

My head started to hurt like hell! It flashes scenes I haven't seen before but I know was a part of me. What's this?

It came flashing until I realized what is that all about. I clenched my fist when I fully understand everything and run out the room. My feet remembers everything too it casually went to where that room is located, to where our classroom is located.

Without Knocking I entered the room.

"You came."

I look around and saw students from the gifted program looking at me. Wave stood up and went to where I am.

"Took you long enough."

I smirk, I felt like a loser remembering how the Director out win me. This time I won't accept defeat.

"Game on."

I look at them and they all nodded.

"This time we're not going to be defeated, because I know you are here by my side."

Wave took my hand and hold it tight, and just as long as you are by my side I won't be defeated at all cause I've won the price already.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 💕

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