Sìp Jèt

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I am awake but I can't seem to move my feet, I feel tired for an unknown reason. I keep my eyes close remembering what Can told me.

"Bare it please, they are coming to help us. Just a little more time."

I wasn't able to ask who's coming because he's gone already and I can't seem to open my mouth too. I remember P'Chanon so I tried hard to move myself but still can't moments later I heard footsteps again.

"How's he?"

"Still unconscious. And I don't think he's going to wake up anytime soon."

"It's been 3 days. How about gifted class?"

"We tracked down 6 still missing 3."

"Damn those kids. They are good at hide and seek. Anyway, any progress in those 6 students."


"Professor you are right. His blood is like a stimulator. It makes the other students blood active and I am afraid it comes in great power too."

The other man laughs too hard you can't recognize if it's because he is happy or what. One thing is for sure, he is not happy hearing the news.

"I like to try it."

"But professor, you have the same potential we can't just try it too soon without studying it's - - -"

"Shut up! Try it on me, faster!"

I heard the door opens again and another footsteps come in.

"Are you crazy? You're doing things not in the plan again."

Is that the substitute teacher's voice?

"Go. You're not needed here."

I heard him hissed. And commanded the guy with Professor awhile ago to go out the room.

"Is this you throwing me in your experiment out?"

"No. It's me throwing you out in my life."

I don't have to open my eyes to see how hurt the teacher's face is. Hearing a long silence is also an evidence he was taken aback for a moment. Sigh.

"R-Right. You hinted it long time ago. It's not that I didn't notice. I assumed you'll change your mind if I help you in this trash experiment but still no! You only care about yourself I forgot---"

"This is not a trash! It will help the modern medicine a lot---"

"Help!? In expense of your student's life? Even if I want medicine to develop more I don't think sacrificing lives is right."

"You don't understand because you focus on unrelated things."

"Unrelated? My love for you is unrelated? It is not that important to you right? That's why in a way I became a person of no value for you?"

"This is a total bullshit!"

I heard a loud bang of the door. Guess the professor left already. I counted in my head.


I felt something hit me. Like a sharp object hit my skin, what? What do they injected me this time!?

"This is all I can do to help you. Once you can move yourself remember to go to the 2nd floor eastwing room 25 and 27."

What does he mean?

He left after that and I just waited for something to happen. I don't kniw why but suddenly I felt something inside me, it's hot then it's cold. I try opening my eyes and almost yelp when I did.

Did he just helped me?

I stood up immediately and found out I was inside a white room where machines are everywhere. I  look at myself there are so many tubes and around I pulled them out immediately not minding the blood come rushing. I take my steps to the door. Glad there is no one in the corridor.

That's when I remembered what the teacher said. Eastwing room 25 and 27.


Where is the eastwing!?

Damn. I started walking and look for something like a clue or what.

Guess I am still fortunate to see a signage and room numbers. I walk faster but stops when I saw a group of men in white uniform!

I sighed when they are all gone and soon found the room 25. Gotcha!

Third person's POV

Damn that guy! He help the kid escape.

The professor can't help but clenched his fist seeing the kid running out everywhere and saving his friends through the monitor. CCTVs are really helpful these days. You can outwin your opponents through it.

"Are we going to get him, Sir?"

"No. Just let them, prepare the room immediately we are having the show there."

The guys nodded and followed what he commanded. Well, even if they don't want to they can't do anything. That's the professor's ability!

He touches his lower face in a circular movement like a habit. Atlast! He can do everything without getting delayed. Fuck those three students who are able to escape he will mind them after he executes his plans here.

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