Sìp Bpàet

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Third Person's POV

The professor continues smiling at the situation in the monitor. How bad these students at getting away from him? It's been an hour since he talked to the substitute teacher so he kinda wonder why did he stayed too long at the laboratory.

"Sir, everything's ready."

He heard something unusual at this fellow but he chose to ignore it because his heart is overwhelmed about the fact that everything's going to end tonight. And everything is going according to his plans.

He stood up and follow the guy to his special room. When he enter the room an unusual cold embraces him. He turn around and look for the guard he is with awhile ago because it is not what he expected to but he is gone. He expected the students are here already but they are nowhere to be found. He is about to walk out the room when suddenly all lights are turned off.

He hissed.

"What the fuck!"

From the corner a light turned on like a spotlight until one by one open, he saw the students from the gifted class smiling at him with victory.

D-Don't tell me? I was fooled!?

That is all he can think until he saw Pang glaring at him. He clenches his fist again and think about what to do.


Pang's POV


He looks at me with his eyes wide open. I smiled, he stood up even his sister cannot believe what happens but still walk to me.


"No time explaining! Let's go!"

We run fast still hiding everytime we heard footsteps near us. My heart is beating fast and I am honestly scared about the thought of being caught again but if I let myself be eaten with this there's nothing I can do to help others. Glad we came to another room and when I opened the door I saw my classmates all almost look tired.


Punn said as he looks up at me, out of breath but still able to put a smile in his face.

"What happened here?"

"Pang! No time explaining let's help them!"

If it's just an ordinary day I might have hit Can because of that remarks. It's obvious he is copying what I said awhile ago. I help to untie them and saw from the corner another familiar back.


I run towards him. He is not in a good condition but still manages to touch my face and joke around.

"T-Thought your dead, I was about to commit suicide here b-because I can't face your mom alone."

"Stupid! Do that and I'll haunt you down even if you're dead. I am planning on giving you Mr. Pom's number but I don't think you can make it!"

"What do you mean I can't make it! I am strong!"

He tried to get up and almost laugh when he can't even stand. Highs. Love might have hit him so hard. Tsk tsk.

"Guys lets go!"


We all look at Korn because of that. I look around and sighs. I didn't see Ohm, Namtarn and Wave I guess they are the one who's able to escape.


The twins ask chorusly.

"Aren't you wondering why no one is stopping us from escaping? Looking around and notice that there are lots of camera. They might be just waiting for us outside."

I look around again and saw that Korn is right. If they have plan on keeping us they might as well guarded us strictly. I didn't think about it awhile ago, damn!

"You mean there's a possibility that they are trapping us?"

"I think he is right."

Claire said and think about something that might help us in this situation.

"If only Wave is here. He can help us out."

Even if I want him here there's a part of me who is happy that he is not here to experience everything.

"Heard you're asking for me."


We all exclaimed when we saw little by little, from the corner of the room, Wave, Ohm and Namtarn appearing with smiles on their face.

They look around and saw the situation we are on, their smiles are gone it changes to empathy and anger.

"Are you ready?"

The question is for everyone because it is our battle, but as he looks at me with those eyes I can't help but be motivated and determine to outwin the Director. No matter how we must put an end to this.

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