Yêe Sìp

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You can choose who your friends will be, but not your parents.

I've been hearing this line ever since, because of my mom. Now I know clearly what does it means. I pat Air's shoulder and he look at me for a moment before staring back at the same spot the Director used to seat.  I heard his heavy sighed and as much as I want to help him I just can't do anything.

"Pang... can you leave me alone?"

I look at Caleb and First who is staring at us, I nodded at them and started walking away from Air I heard their footsteps following mine. I misjudged their intention towards Air but now I believe they are his good friends.

The school is more gloomy than before. Everyone's mourning because of the death of the school's Director and the substitute teacher but no one actually knows what exactly happens besides us. Nonetheless, Air was forced to take up the responsibility with the help of some of their relatives. Powerful or not they are the only one who knows who.

I went straight to the Gifted class and everyone was there. Our hearts mourns too though we know how bad the Director did to everyone, he is still a human just blinded by his selfish wants.

Wave signal me to follow him, when I did we end up at the parking lot. He opens the door for me I just wondered why would we leave when it is time for school yet. Is he able to drive now? Whatever.

"Where are we going?"

He didn't answer which made me more suspicious.

"Are you kidnapping me?"

"Heck. Yes I am."

"Seriously Wave. Where are we going?"

He looks at me for a moment then just smile but didn't reach his eyes. My heart started to beat so fast but I don't know why. Is it something I should be afraid of? he said nothing after that, I decided to wait for us to came in our destination. I decided to sleep a bit but didn't know I slept too much when I woke up it is a bit dark outside already.

I turn my attention in the person beside me and found out he is just there looking at me. He smiled and went near me I almost freak out thinking what he might do but he just unclasp my seat belt. Good thing I stop myself or else I might be embarrass by now.

"Let's go."

I follow him outside that's when I realized we are in an unfamiliar place. He started walking and though I was a bit taken a back I still follow him. We passed by a total of 5 guards and Wave just gave them a head's up. What's that?

A housemaid welcome us with a warm smile which made me a bit comfortable.

"Are they inside?"

"Yes sir."

"Who are you looking for, Wave?"

He stops for a while and intertwine his hand with mine.

"You know my patience is at it's limit right?"

I raised an eyebrow but he just laugh a bit at me he put his right hand in my head and mess with my hair. I roll my eyes to hide the fact that I am starting be swayed by his actions.

"You are about to found out okay? Just relax.  And promise you won't get mad at me."

My eyebrows crossed this time because of what he said. What does he mean by that?

"Depending on what are you doing now."

He shrugs and knocked three times in the door in front of us. We are just standing there but deep inside me I was wishing it is something I can take or at least not the worst. When the door opens, I was a bit shocked to see who it was!

I look at Wave immediately he just nodded at me before entering the room.

What the hell!

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