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Third Person's POV

Pom held onto his bag tightly, who is that man? And why is the fact that he just saw him now makes him confuse? And why does his heart hurts like hell? He is confused. He is not like this. He isn't like this before. The pain is too much he wanted to pull his heart out so that he won't feel anything.

"Kru Pom."

He looks at where the voice is coming. Wave, giving him some papers. Looking at him confused too.

"Are you okay, Kru?"

He nodded. No, he won't say he is not fine especially to Wave. This student is dangerously perfect, he has the leadership skills but not the heart for others. He don't want to belittled by his student.

"Yes. What is this?"

"Our homeworks."

He scanned the papers and nodded. When the younger doesn't leave he look up to ask but his serious face welcome his eyes. Like, always.

"Wave, what's the problem?"

"Kru. It's been months and there is no development in Pang's case. Should I force him to remember?"

"Wave, we are buying more time. Don't fast things out. It is better to be more prepared than sorry."

At first, the student doesn't look convince but then surrender. After all, all he can do is wait. He hates to admit it but his teacher has a point.

"Okay, Kru Pom."

That's all he said then walk away, in his mind he really wanted Pang to remember him already so that he won't feel insecure to everyone who's around Pang especially that Air guy, by the looks of it the guy has a thing in his significant other. yep, his. no other.


"Let's welcome, Our school Director Mr. Supot Chueamanee."

We are currently here in the auditorium trying hard not to sleep because of the school's facade. They cut the lessons so that everyone can attend this meeting. All sections in our year are summoned to hear what the Director has to say, well, in fact I don't want to waste my time here but I don't have a choice. Air is seated beside me but he is busy with his phone.

"... And we want you to join our project. Anyone who is interested?"

No one raised their hands, I thought that the other section will be interested but they seemed not. The Director smile mischievously before continuing.

"So, I don't have a choice but choose from you then."

That earned a lot of different reactions coming from the students around. Even me, why would he force us to do something we don't want? is that his specialty?

"What the fuck?!"

I look at Air. He's also making faces when the Director started to walk to us.

"You too. Join the club."

That's all he said before walking away from us, after that a teacher went to us then registered our name in the form. I can't help but raised an eyebrow. I keep on following his every move and what caught me off guard is the fact that the students he went to didn't react violently unlike us? fakes. They said too many bad things awhile ago and now they are smiling at the Director sweetly?


"Let's eat."

I looked at Nack. Why is he isn't affected by the fact that he too is included in the club the Director did? He looks so happy now. 

"Why are you like that?"

he stop eating before giving me a questioning look.

"I am like what?"

"You look happy, aren't you bothered?"

"You mean the Director's plan to train student's aside from the Gifted class? that's good idea. You know how much I wanted to be part of that program and unfortunately I failed. So now I have given a chance to be part of a program with similar agenda as the Gifted class, do you think I will waste that opportunity?"

I looked into his eyes and saw that desire look he has when reviewing for the Gifted program. So, I choose to jut nod and continue eating. He just smiled at me. I felt so sorry for myself, I don't have plans for my life unlike my friend. Sigh.



"What's your relationship with Wave?"

That caught me off guard.

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