Sìp Hâa

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"What are you thinking?"

I felt him hugged me from behind. I shook my head in response to his question, he rests his head on my shoulder. 

"You're still thinking about what Mr. Pom did right?"

I pulled his arms that are embracing me and turned around to look at him.

"Aren't you scared of me?'

His eyebrows crossed.

"Why would I?'


"Because you're different? I am different too."

"You're less different in me."

"So what?"


"Pang, stop over thinking things. We already made our plans and this time we're not losing."

He raised his right hand and caress my face. I close my eyes as he was doing that, I somehow felt relief. There is something about Wave that can calm me down. It might not be obvious in his aura but he has something others can do. 

"Just believe in me."

I nodded as I hug him. 

I believe in everything he does and say.


Third person's POV

Wave sighed as he saw Pang sleeping so deep. He caress the boys hair and planted a kiss in his forehead. He stood up and look at his phone, he read the message in the group chat where Pang isn't included. Mr. Pom was calling for a sudden meeting. He take a last look at Pang before leaving the room. 

When he came in the room everyone is there already with their pajamas on. Guess they are all going to sleep or already sleeping, besides Korn off course. He take a seat and closes his eyes because he was a bit scared of what's going to happen next. He is not scared for himself he was scared for Pang. He was scared that the more he knows a thing the more it is hurting him. It makes him hard to decide whether to do something about it or not.

"Regarding the last time we've seen each other, I found out a bit of information that might either destruct our plans or help us. That will be based on Wave's decision."

He opens his eyes as he heard his name, the curious looks of his classmates welcomed him.

"Why him, Kru?"

One of the twins asks.

"I guess you knew already the reason I call everyone here. It is time to decide, our time is limited."

Wave clenches his fist. No. He can do something but he can't think anything as of now.



I woke up because of a bad dream I cannot remember anymore. Without much thinking I stood up and just then I remembered I was at Wave's place. I smiled but that slowly faded when I didn't see him around.

Is he in class already? I started fixing myself and when all is done I leave the room and went to my classroom. I met Air along the way but he doesn't seem like notice me, he is just there bowing his head as he walks.


He looks around and when he saw me he smiled reluctantly. What's wrong?

"Are you avoiding me?"

Guiltness is written in his eyes.

"Why would you?"

He heaved a sigh.

"Pang, you're starting to over react things. Let's go to our class already we might be late if you keep asking questions."

I shrugged. Nevermind.

When we reached our classroom the usual noise welcomed us. But what makes me taken a back is seeing who was there standing in front of us. The teacher who put sleeping pills in my drink at the party!

As if Air notices I stopped on track he check where I was looking, He immediately hide me in his back. By doing so it still didn't help me seeing the way that man lick his lips upon seeing me. He looks pervert right now with that innocent face.

"Settled down, class!"

Everyone followed him as if they were all hypnotized by someone. It's just me and Air who was left there standing, That made him look at us seriously.

"I said settled down."

I shook my head. He has temper too. We sat down and he started talking.

"I will be your substitute teacher for now until Ms. Fei returns from her maternity leave. No need to know my name because you'll quickly forget it though."

He started talking and discussing, as I can see it he is an effective teacher because almost all of my classmates are listening to him. I look at Air who was sleeping right now, I badly wanted to bow down my face too but I cannot because the substitute teacher keeps on looking my way as if threatening me not to fall asleep.


Third person's POV

"I warned you about Pang already right? what games are you playing?"

The substitute teacher smiled at the young man who was leaning at the wall right now. He faced him confidently.

"I'm not doing anything though? scared already?"

The man stood up straight and before he knew it he was cornered in the wall of the corridor already. His back aches because of too much pressure.

"You're really getting in my nerves. Only if you're not my father's lover I killed you already."

The young man let go of the teacher and walk away from the scene as if nothing happens.

"Who said I am your father's lover? I am just someone who he uses for his own benefit."

The teacher whispered to himself as he smiled bitterly. He walks away trying to think about something big, he is not doing everything for the ma =n he loves. He is doing it because he felt the need to. 

He need to let go because holding on wasn't in the option in the first place.



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