Sìp Gâo

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As I glare at Director I saw his eyes lost for a minute but was able to put up a smiling face to us.

"Glad to see you here."

He is still putting an act. Trying to act tough, no can do.

"Director. You've been up for years experimenting your students and now we can't do anything but stop you."

"Pom. I used to admire you because of your intelligent and ability. I didn't think you will be one of those students who's going to go against me and my plans."

Mr. Pom hissed.

"It's because I am awaken already, your plans are not to make the school better. But to put your name in fame, to get more advances in expense of the other you will do everything."

"You don't know what you're talking about. The school won't be at the top as it is now if it's not because of me and the decisions I made!"

"It's you who don't get us."

He faces me with an angry look.

"No one ask you to put something like this, you dream it yourself. No parents will allow their children to be experimented."

"There is. And sadly it was one of your classmate's parent. He even invested a lot to continue this program."

He looks at Punn who is now bowing his head. He knew already about his Dad's involvement in the case. Nonetheless...

Wrong move.

"Are you sure he knew about the fact that you are hurting his kid physically? Investing to this kind of project might mean he wants something better for his kid. Indirectly he still shows concern in him but hid it to something like this and I am sure if he found out about what you did to his son, I don't know what he can do to you."

Director laughs at me. I cleched my fist, he is getting on my nerves!

"Do you still believe someone will like a monster kid? A kid who has different personality?"


"Then you are more stupid than me! You are thinking the world is just sweet like that! It's not! You care for yourself, let others care about theirselves you don't need to help them! "

"I feel so sorry for you Director."

He fakes a laugh again and this time he looks around and smile.

"I am commanding you all to get Pang and let me leave."

I just look at him feeling sorry. He thought his ability will still effective at my classmates.


"They won't follow you anymore. Have you forgotten we have the same ability? I commanded them already not to listen to your voice. So basically they don't hear you anymore but they still has the ability to understands what you are saying without hearing it."

"W-What do you mean? How is it possible!?"

"That's the art I won't tell you."

"No!! No!!"

He started running towards me as if he wants to kill me when suddenly the door opens.

"Stop right there."

We all look at the new comer. He look straight at the Director with an unexplainable look.

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