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"Are you even listening?"

Wave raised An eyebrow at me. He seems mad, we are currently here in the library reviewing every topic we had for this year. He said I needed to catch up so he even extended his time to teach me. Well, not a good news for me tho.


I bowed my head to show my sincerity but Wave being Wave just looked at me with his bored eyes. He threw his books at me good thing my reflexes are good.

"I'm giving that to you. You need it more than me."

I scanned the book and it has no marks of being used.

"Wait, is this new?"

"No. I just haven't used that since."

I tried hard not to look too amaze about it but inside I am screaming at myself. How is this skinny boy be so smart like this? Anyoneee??

"Make sure you have memorized the formula I taught you. See you tomorrow."

"Okay! See you tomorrow."

I was busy scanning the book when I realized what he said. I looked up and saw him walking away from me.

Wait? Did he just simply say goodye to me? He cares?

"Let's go home."

I was surprised when someone talk to me moments later. I look up and saw Air standing beside me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for you. Can't see it?"

He said sarcastically.

"Ah. But, our dorms are separate."

"Who cares? I'll just drop you off then."

What? Can't he tell I am trying to avoid him? 

"Or, don't tell me you're avoiding me after what happened last night?"

Shoot. He is not numb after all.

"You don't have to answer immediately, I can wait for you. You, being part of my life would be the best ---"

"No one's going to be part of your life."

Air didn't able to continue what he is saying when someone from behind spoke with authority. I saw Wave standing there not minding how many students are looking and talking about how he spoke not remembering we are in library still.

"And I believe you don't have any say regarding his life because you are just his tutor, our tutor."

They looked at each other, throwing glares that is hot to handle. I stood up a little and pull Air's uniform to stop him from talking. I saw how Wave's eyes went there and I don't know why I immediately let go.  Without a word.

"I do."

He looks at me for a moment before returning his eyes to Air.

"You don't. You are just somebody who came out of nowhere in our lives."

"I came in his life before you do."

I was a bit surprise because of what Wave said, at first I think he is just bluffing but seeing the way he looks I wanted to believe him immediately.

But the question is, how is he so sure?

Air didn't say anything-wasn't able to say anything because Wave pulled my hand and dragged me out of the room. I was just looking at the way he hold my hand while we are half running somehow this felt familiar, the sensation, the moment. Nothing's uncomfortable.

We came in, I believe its his room, that's when he let go of my hand. He is not looking at me so I decided to look around. Beside of numbers there is none here.

"Who's sleeping here?"

I ask when I saw a spare bed. I sat down and feel the sheets.

"I don't know. Can't remember."

When he answer that's the only time he looks at me. This time it's meaningfully.  Well, it is unusual to know and remember your roommate but I didn't push the topic because he might get mad that I am interfering his private life. When he went into the bathroom, I decided to lay down because I felt comfortable to just sit down. I didn't notice I fell asleep until there is nothing I can remember after.

The day is not ending yet I am tired to just even think about it. 

Unedited. 💕

I forgot to upload this last night because I fell asleep kekekeke. Miaaaan👏

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