Yêe-sìp-èt |FIN|

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I look at him as if this is the maddest thing he ever done. He just smiled at me weakly, as if telling that he knew  my reaction would be like this.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be mad at him, Pang. He just help us."

I am not use to hearing the Director's voice like this. Yes. The Director is here with the substitute teacher. I don't know why they are alive but I just realized we just assumed they are dead due to the explosion.

" H-How?"

They smiled at me, they started talking about how they survived but I wasn't paying too much attention on that. I am distracted by the way they unconsciously held hands and look at each others eyes.

"... A young man came to us and said we are not supposed to die yet. That we have to do something first before anything else."

Wait? What did he say?

"A man?"

The substitute teacher nodded but you can clearly see that he is also confuse about that thing.

"Yeah. We don't know how or when did he arrived but in just a snap we are in different place already and then he is gone."

I look at Wave, it looks like he knew about it already. I am so confuse how can it be? And the way they describe the kid it seems like they don't know him.

"He's not from the school?"

"No. He is not. I know everyone in the school, I haven't seen him yet. And his uniform is quite unique, it seems like innovated made of some material that haven't discovered yet."

"How can you say that it is unique?

" It's glowing. He has a green aura, very unusual for someone who is gifted like you."

Green aura? I look at the substitute teacher.

"Do you see his green aura too?"

He nodded, look at the Director before saying something that makes me more confused.

"Unlike the Director, I didn't able to see his face because of too much light. I won't recognize him even if I see him again.

I think deeper. How can it be? I even forgot that they used to be our enemies.

As I remembered something I look at them and think twice if I'll say it to them. Seems like the Director notice I am in an inside battle with myself.

"What it is Pang?"

"I... Just remembered. There are people who used to say something about my aura."

"About your aura?"

Wave butt in. I nodded.

"It's just vivid memories, I am unable to separate my dreams from reality so I don't know if it's real. But, they kept on telling me that I have this aura. And somehow I think that they are able to see it because they don't know about me."

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