Sìp Hòk

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"He has the Aura."

I woke up upon hearing those words. My dreams lately became so scary but unlike today I do remember something about it now. There's always this someone in my dreams that keeps on telling I have that aura. What aura?

I shake my head as I fixed my hair. I stood up and prepare something to eat, I am not in the dorm because I decided to go home last night because today is the last day of P'Chanon staying in our house and I told himthat we should celebrate because of my freedom. Lels. He still keeps on bugging me about Mr. Pom's number but I still don't give it to him. Well, after remembering everything my mind changed and I was planning to surprised him this night. Mr. Pom should pay betraying me back then because of erasing my memories, Yeah. I know he doesn't have choice but I am not that good still to forgive him easily. Who knew? they might click.

I look around the house when I don't even saw P'Chanon's shadow, where is that dude? Gone too soon?


I looked at where the strange noise came but I didn't see anything. Weird.


Our doorbell rings and so I decided to open the gate without realizing I didn't even check who it was.


I look at the guys outside, I don't know but I felt something strange when they look at each other before looking at me. Without a word they started to pull me out behind the gate. I fight my life but it's no use because they are big enough to take. All I saw is the image of P'Chanon running to rescue me, everything blurred out.

P' Don't...

I open my eyes because I feel thirsty, It's weird? Why is it so heavy? I want to wake up but I am too tired. Why am I too tired? I close my eyes again because of this weird feeling. I can't even open my eyes for so long.

"This is the fourth bag P'. I am afraid if we go beyond that he might die already."

I heard strange sounds, footsteps and beeping sounds. Weird--- there's no machines in our house? I am always alone too, Mom...

"Shut up. We are just doing what we are told to."

Cold, it's cold.

I felt something that hurt me. I wanted to open my eyes again but I can't.

"P' he's awake!"

"Shut up! Can't you keep your voice down? If you can't take what we are doing go home already."

Voices... Where does it came from?

"I---I won't. I'll keep my mouth shut.

The voice sounds familiar.


I somehow manage to say.

"P' he knows you?'

Silence. Why?? Am I dreaming? is Can not here for real?

"C-Can? A-Are you there?"

I tried to reach something beside me but I can't seem to reach anything.

"P'... is eh your friend? "

That was just supposed to be a whisper by the little girl but I heard it loud and clear.

"Lemon... Go, I'll talk to him."


Third Person's POV

Lemon was still thinking if his P' knew about the boy they are getting blood of. Is he a friend of him? She wanted to ask. She sighed as she walk back and forth in their quarters. They've been locked up for 3 days now and his P' is doing everything just to get them out there. No, he is not just doing it for them but also for P'Tinn. She knew about those threats his brother received after and somehow she's scared for her brother's life.

She is standing in the corner when Can came with a swollen eyes.


Can looks at his sister and somehow manage to smile.


"Is he your friend?"

Can wasn't able to answer. He knows his sister is up to something just by hearing the way she asks now. He sighs.

"Why are you doing that to him?"

Not that it is nothing if it's other person, but Lemon thinks that you cannot do something like that to a friend.

"Is this how far you're going for love?"

Can look up and saw his sister's eyes. He bites his lips when he saw his sister's on the verge of crying.

"Because right now I am scared, I am scared that if they ask you to kill me you will. I' m scared that tomorrow I wake up I don't know who you are anymore. Just because you love."

Can didn't able to say anything and just cried there. Somehow he realizes that those times his sister keeps on bugging him whenever he's taking Pang's blood, it is her way of asking him to stop.

But he can't do that. Because he is scared too, for their lives, and for Tinn's safety. He closes his eyes and tried to calm himself down. He shouldn't be weak in front of anyone especially his sister.

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