Sìp Sŏng

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I shook my head as I look at Can, He's sulking there in the corner since we came here in the party  still thinking about that picture of Tinn with a girl inside a car. He said it's not Tinn's so we're wondering who owns it? and the most important question is who sent that? what is their motives?

Tinn came and ask where Can is, he somehow looks so worried what's the matter? I pointed the direction where the kid is sulking and he immediately went there. I look around and see no familiar face, I decided to stand up and go outside since I am starting to get bored.


I look around to see who is that and saw the teacher from the special class. What is he doing here?


"Can I join you here?"

He pointed the seat in front of me, I wanted to reject him but it would be disrespectful.


He offers me a drink which I gladly accept since... yeah he is a teacher so I believe he won't give me alcohol.

"Why are you staying here? Don't you want inside?"

"Not like that, I don't know those who are inside besides Can and Tinn."

He nodded. I drink the color red drink he gave me. 

"It's been awhile since the last time you attended the special class."

I look at him. So he knew? As if he read my mind he started to laugh.

"I am not a creepy teacher okay,It's just that you guys can be counted in the hands, it'll make me a bad teacher if I don't memorize my students name and face."

Somehow understands his point."So, why aren't you attending?"

I shrugged. "Because I don't see the point of it."

I don't know if it's just me but from my peripheral vision I saw him smirk.I started to get dizzy and my eyelid began to heavy, am I sleepy?

"Don't worry, you'll understand soon."

Those are the last words I've heard before darkness covers me.

Third person POV

The teacher stood up as he saw his prey sleeping already, he caress Pang's face and wonder how could this kid be special? all he has is good face. He started grinning, he doesn't know his mission will be this easy -- or not.

"What are you doing?"

From the corner of darkness a guy went out, the teacher hissed. What is this kid doing here? ruining his plan again?

"You're not supposed to be here."

"You're not supposed to be the one to talk like that. Now, get your filthy hands off Pang."

The younger one started to walk nearer the teacher until he came in front of him and the kid who's sleeping right now. He seems peaceful sleeping like that not knowing his life is at stake. 

"Don't worry I didn't came here to take him for myself, I'll take him for someone else's benefit. And you knew him  very well."

"Who cares? Do I look like I'm giving him to you right now?"

The older guy stood up straight. 

"I'm tired dealing with you. I'll just come back another time."

"And next time, there will be no next time."

The teacher started to laugh and lick his lips while looking at Pang like a pervert.

"Next time, I promised I won't be caught for the nth time."

Because of what he said the younger clenched his fist to control himself from throwing a punch because it might wake up the sleeping Kid. The teacher started to walk away after leaving that remarks.

And the next time you'll lay a hand on him I'll kill you.

He stops from walking as he heard that. He grins and turn his back to look at the younger guy.

"Can you?"

"I can. Don't push me to my limit."

With that the younger guy raised his hand as if choking the air, the teacher was about to laugh because of that but he started to feel out of breath as if someone is choking him. Seeing him struggle, the kid stop what he is doing and with that the teacher started to breathe freely. He wasn't aware of this kid's potential no one ever seen it and now he is the one who experienced it? should he be honored?

"I won't control myself the next time I see you, so I hope like what I said we won't see each other again. "

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