Sìp Sèe

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Third person POV

Tinn was in the middle of talking to his unbothered boyfriend when Wave burst out from the door. 

"Fuck you, Tinn! Where's Pang?"

Can's eyebrows met because of the new guy's remarks.

"Relax, he is just sitting there--"

It's like as if Tinn was poured out cold water in his head when he didn't see Pang in his usual place. He sent all the recordings he has to Wave because it was the right thing to do. A woman threaten him to invite Pang to the party at all cost or else they will hurt Can if he won't cooperate and commanded not to tell anyone about it. That's why when Can asks if he can bring Pang along he cannot do anything but agree, he didn't even have time to tell Can about it and when he remembered this afternoon he sent messages to now angry man in front of them. 

Without talking they both run towards the place, Wave told him to throw his guests away. As in THROW, following his commands, Tinn talk to them and tell them how sorry he was. Can, though he cannot understand what's going on went to follow where the two was going.The boys started searching the rooms but Pang wasn't there. Wave's patience started to run out and that makes the two feel uncomfortable.

They decided to go outside when they finished looking at the inside.

"I'll kill you Tinn I promise----" 

Wave stopped talking when he saw Pang and run immediately to where he is. He pulled Pang in the arm and hug him.

"Where have you been? We've been looking for you for hours now?!"

He asked as he pull away, Pang look somewhere and Wave followed it he saw Air-- the guy who's always with Pang. It's as if the guy doesn't want another misunderstanding he explained immediately.

"I fell asleep, good thing Air is here to accompany me."

Wave muscles relaxed. He slowly slipped his hands and intertwined it with Pang in front of everyone here. He want's them to confirm something in their minds. Another thing is he wants to show off in front of this Air guy. 

He knows competition when he sees one.

"I'll take you home."

And he never, ever lose as least even once.

Just like that he pulled Pang again without saying goodbye to everyone.

Well, he is not Wave if he's not rude.



I was just standing there looking at everyone---

The gifted class was gathered in front of Wave's room and he's been sulking there for hours. He keeps on whispering how bad decision it is bringing me here instead of bringing me into my room.

"And please Wave, We hear you."

Mr. Pom can't take it anymore because he is destructing the meeting.

"Good thing."

The others laugh and shakes their head, I smiled. We used to hate this attitude of his but now we understand him more. He keeps saying things that might hurt other people's feeling but he doesn't mean it in our way. He just have problems showing and saying what he really feels. 

"Students that are part of the special class changed as per those I ask, and you know how I did it."

"What do you mean, Mr. Pom?"

Punn asks, Claire raised her eyebrow. 

"They said they became extraordinary, unlike before they can memorize even the tiniest detail in everything. And I hope what I'm thinking is wrong."

"What it is Mr. Pom?"

Korn asks as he fixed his eyeglass. I scan everyone's expression and they are all listening very well. Mr. Pom looked around as if we cannot bear the truth and hesitates of whether to say it or not.

"They are being experimented, and worst I think it comes from your blood."

My eyebrows crossed as I heard they whispering to each other, even Ohm who likes to joke is being serious now. Until I remember something.

"You might be right Mr. Pom. Remember the time I remembered everthing?'

They all nodded and waits for what I am going to say.

"I tried to run away because I saw them doing something in the special class students. I don't know if they found out about me. But one thing I don't understand, It's not blood that they are extracting to those students. If I'm not mistaken it's somewhat color blue?"

Mr. Pom think awhile. He gets something in his bag-- an injection!

We all stood up when he injected it to get his blood, a plenty amount of blood. What is he doing?

From his bag he took out three transparent and put some blood on it. He pulled Ohm and with a blink of an eye he prick his fingers.

"Mr. Pom!"

Even the girls shout because of Ohm's reaction. Mr. Pom didn't care about it and continued what he is doing, He drops some of Ohm's blood in the bottle with his blood on it. He slowly walk to me and that made me widen my eyes. 

I am not afraid of blood but I hate the way he pricks finger suddenly. 

"What are you doing?"

I was surprised when Wave got in front of me as if hiding me from Mr. Pom.

"We have to find out something."

He looks at me determined.

"Lend us some blood."

I look at him and he is not kidding about anything. I stood up and patted Wave's shoulder assuring him it was okay. I closed my eyes as I felt the needle hit my fingers and when it is done I look at how Mr. Pom drop some in the bottles.

When he put Ohm's blood on it nothing happens but when he put some of mine, the blood started to be blue in color. I am shocked too as I was looking at it.

"What does that mean Mr. Pom?"

Namtarn asks as she examined the bottle. 

"Something only the Director knows."

I gulped. What could it be?



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