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When I entered the room the next morning I saw all my classmates being anxious. I tap Air's shoulder when I can't take it anymore seeing them like that.

"What's going on?"

He looks at me with his "oh so done on earth" eyes.

"Haven't you heard? The school decided to have tutorial class at 6pm after every class. Offcourse, it's new since our sections are based on how well we do in class. What's with the administration? They belitted us then help us suddenly? Tsk."

His personality is weird, seriously. But among my classmates he is the one I can talk to freely because we are the same at most of things. Especialy playing mobile games.

"That's new. Who's going to be our tutor?"

Never thought that question will be the death of me 5 hours later. Standing in front of us is none other than Wave holding his laptop like it is the most precious thing in his life. I gulp upon seeing his cold stares towards us. Fuck. Why does it has to be him of all the students in class 1?

"Are you just going to stand there and be dumb? Sit."

Bass, Techno, Can, Air and Me immediately sat down. Well, we might be hard headed but we easily followto  someone who bites. Lels. I don't know how they formed this group, the teacher just let us know who will be in the team. Glad I am with Air. The Three others are from Class class 5, 6,7 respectively. We have known each other few minutes ago they are all fine as of now.

Wave gave us a piece of paper minutes later.

"I want you to write what lessons are most difficult for you. Then I will decide what I would teach."

I look at the piece of paper, I chose math for my tutorial subject I forgot it was Wave's forte. What lesson I am most poor at? Well, can I write "everything?" there's no wrong in trying. After that he collected all the papers and bid goodbye.

"That's all for now. Let's see each other again tomorrow. Make sure you review everything you have written inside this paper."

After that he left us. My eyes went wide did he just say review everything? How can I when I actually wrote "everything" inside that paper! It's not been 15 minutes but he surprises me already.

"Air! I literally wrote everything! How am I supposed to review that?"

"Well, you messed up bro."

He laughs and the others laugh also. We all went out the school together while laughing cars stops in front of us. We back out a little bit so we won't be hit by it.

In those cars, just like the movies three man went out and stare at us. What? What was that? They all look fucking good. I was surprised when Bass, Can and Techno run immediately while waving at us. They left already but my eyes are still side open.

"What the heck is that!?"

"Don't you know them?"

"No freaking way. Who are them?"

"Their boyfriends."

After saying that he left me there hanging, he is too far already before everything made clear to me. No way!!

"Air! How come it is possible!"

I run towards his direction and I just hear him laughs.

"Everything's possible, Pang. It's 2018!"

I stop on track. 2018? But it seems like 2018 has just startes for me. Weird.

"Air! Wait for me!"

"You go home. I am hanging out tonight."

Thank God I already walking same level as him.

"With whom?"


"No way you will hang out with yourself. Who's with you?"

"Caleb and First."

My eyebrows crossed because of those names.

"Aren't they from the deliquent group? Why are you hanging out with them?"

"Because I am one?"

"No way you are far above them."

He stops walking so I stop too.

"How sure are you?"

His serious eyes amazes me. Never ever I have this long conversation with him before so the way he looks at me makes me taken aback a liitle bit.

"Because I can feel it. You are too good to be with them. I trust you, as a friend"

I left him after saying that. I can't stand his glares anymore there is something I can't name.

Well, I should be worrying about how am I able to review my math subject. Damn Wave, Damn me!


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