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I'm on my way to detention.
Why am I on my way to detention you ask?
All because of that stupid ass face jerk.
He sat next to me today and couldn't stop talking to me, I mean "blah blah blah babe blah blah fuck me blah blah"

Eventually, I snapped (obviously) and yelled at him in the middle of the class, sending us both to detention.

But it's all his fault, I asked him to stop like a billion times and he didn't , me yelling at him was absolutely justified.

This year passed with me not getting in any trouble, we have four months left untill summer vacation and obviously, I get now in trouble,when I'm so close to the end of my Junior year of high school.

"Oh I'm so thankful right now!" I sigh in relief when I see Luna sitting in detention talking to two other guys.
Luna looks at me with a surprised look.
"Abbs? What are you doing here?" She asks "eating lunch, what does it look like? I got detention" I say sarcastically, sitting next to her.

"I mean why, idiot" she says "ah, because of jerk face over there" I say looking at jerk face, who just walked in the room.

"The name is Namjoon" he says looking at me with a mad face.

"Don't care" I say "wait, why are you here?" I ask Luna "I talked during class" she says "with who?" I ask "them"she says looking at the two guys next to her.

"Yoongi" the one with the really light skin says "Jungkook" the other one says.
"Abigail, but everyone calls me Abbie"

"Kook? Yoongi? What are you two doing here?" Namjoon asks "what does it look like stupid?" Yoongi asks "how did you get in here?" Namjoon asks sitting next to them.
"The two of them were talking so I told them to shut up and the three of us for detention" Yoongi says "same here" I say glaring at Namjoon.

"I was just telling you that you owe me for yesterday!" Namjoon says "wait, this is the girl with the coke? And I'm assuming , the Luna is the hot friend?" Jungkook asks causing Luna to blush.

"yes" Namjoon says "dude! Don't call my best friend hot, you dirty minded asshole!" I say "I love the fact that we're screaming at Namjoon but why?" A deep voice comes from the door.

We all look there and see four guys looking at us, I assume they are all Namjoon's friends.
"Hyungs what are you doing here?" Jungkook asks "we are here to get you out of detention" the tall one with broad shoulders says.
"Let's go" Yoongi says "the girls too" The one with the puppy cute face says.
Luna and I get up and leave the room, starting to walk towards our dorms.

"Yah! You two wait!" I hear one of the guys calling us.

We turn around and see the seven of them walking after us.

"You owe me Abigail!" Namjoon says.

"In your dreams"

Luna and I start running towards our dorm room, but they are following us.
We quickly get in the room and lock the door behind us.

"Yah! Hear me out!" Namjoon says behind the door.
"Just hear him out, I'm gonna take a shower" Luna says and I nod.
She gets in the shower and I open the door.
"Yah! You owe me for yesterday" Namjoon says "I only spilled beer on you, I'll clean your shirt" I say "no fricking way, go out with me" he says "ha, that's funny" I say trying to close the door but he holds it.

"I'm not leaving untill you'll go out with me, I promise you'll enjoy" he says winking.
I look behind them and see our lobby's supervisor.

"Hey you! This guy is harassing me!" I yell.
He looks over at us, the guys look at him and start running away from him.
Thank God.


There is a knock on the door.
I walk and open it, just to be pushed in.

"What on earth?" I ask when I see the seven guys, now In my room.

"You owe me," Namjoon says "double" The one with broad shoulders says.'
"Why double?" I ask "cause we let you out of detention" Yoongi says.

"And I thank you for that" I say "so please, show me your gratitude" Namjoon says making the guys and I role our eyes.
"Why are you so dirty?" I ask "why? You like it?" He asks "ew.".

"Go out with me." Namjoon says "no." I say "go out with me. Just one return instead of two" Namjoon says "no." I say "for fricking's sake! Go out with him!" Yoongi says.

"What's going on here?" Luna asks.

She's out of the shower, with only a robe on her.

"She owes me and she won't go out with me for it" Namjoon says "dude, just do it, you'll eat somewhere and go home, you don't have to sleep with him or something," Luna says .

"Cover your eyes!" I tell the guys, but the only one who actually listens is Jungkook.
"You know what? If you won't go out with me, I'll take your friend, she owes us too for getting her out of detention" Namjoon says "no, she's too innocent for you" I say "so you'll go out with me?" Namjoon asks "no way I'm gonna be alone with you"I say "I have an idea" the one with the deep voice says.

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