S e v e n

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As promised, new chapter update.
Happy New Year
Now enjoy reading💜

Namjoon's p.o.v

Why do I keep on making these mistakes?
She just sees me as a friend with benefits.
Maybe if we wouldn't have slept around together she would have agreed to date me.

"Namjoon, we need to go, the movie ended" Abbie says, snapping me out o8f my thoughts.
"Ah, yeah" I say zipping up my pants.
We both leave the room just to bump into 5 upset faces.

"I hope you two had a good time" Jimin says

"what are you doing? Where are Jungkook and Luna?" Abbie asks

"maybe if you two wouldn't have left early to fuck around, they wouldn't have ran away" Jin says

"ran away?"

"yes. They probably saw you two leaving and figured we were following them, cause they left, and we lost them" Yoongi says

"aish..." Abbie says and her phone buzzes.

"Fuck! We have class now" she says looking at her reminder.

Abbie and Luna are in a special program such as we are, where you learn only your chosen majors , math, literature and history. It's weird, but it works for us, and we have a lot of free time during the day because we have plenty of night classes.

"Us too, and we're in class with Jungkook and Luna" Tae says "okay, update us of you see them"  I say and he nods.

I grab Abbie's hand and walk with her back to the school.

"I want to meet up tomorrow night"I say "sure, but make sure oppas aren't in the room" she says.

"Ani, I mean if you wanna go out? For dinner?" I ask her "like a date?" She asks "yeah, like a date" I say "Namjoon, we're friends with benefits, that's it, and when we started this, I said no feelings" she says "we slept together like 2 times, if hardly call that benefits" I say "just try going out with me," I say "the sex is great, but no" she says.

The rest of our walk is silent.

Abbie and I finished class and are on our way to her room, when I get a text from Jimin saying that Jungkook and Luna haven't been in class.

"So where on earth are they?" She asks when we stand outside the door.

And then it happens. We hear moans, from inside the room.

both out eyes widen and we open the door emmidietly.

Luna and Jungkook, are in bed.
Luna is massaging Jungkook's back.

"The hell?" Abbie asks "why do the two of you look shocked?" Jungkook asks "we heard moans..."I say "and you though.....ani!" Jungkook says.

Soon enough he and Luna burst out in laughs.
"Yah! You scared me" Abbie says "why?" Luna asks "I was sure the two of you were doing the do" Abbie says "we didn't, but even if we did, why would it scare you?" Luna asks "cause....dunno..." Abbie says causing Luna to chuckle.

"What are you two doing together?" Jungkook asks "he just walked me here" Abbie says.

"That's so cute" Luna says "you know, I actually you two could be a great couple" Jungkook says "oh my gosh! Totally, and we could go on double dates and everything!" Luna says excited.

"Hate to ruin your fantasies, but Namjoon and I are just friends, barely that as well, I wouldn't date him even if I would get payed with a million dollars." Abbie says.

And I'm out.

It feels like a thousand knifes to my heart.

"Yeah, totally," I say laughing "who would even date Abbie she's to much of a fuckgirl anyways" I say "look who's talking" she says.

"Lemme just remind you how we met mister, I'll make you scream my name" Abbie says "but I did didn't I?" I ask causing her to give me a death glare.

"But honestly, he would be the last person I'd ever date" she says "same here" I say coldly.
"Come on kook, we have guys night today" I say.
"Bye Jagiya" he says kissing Luna and joining me.

I just wish Abbie would try, that's why I'm doing the bet, I mean, I just needed something that'll surely get her to do the bet. 
I need to win.
I want her to be mine so badly.
I'll do anything and everything  to win.

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