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9 1 3

Jungkook's p.o.v

It's 20:30, the seven of us are waiting at the entrance to the girl's dorm section.

I am wearing a buttoned up dark blue shirt, with black anckle lengths pants, and black sneakers.
I look pretty fine If I may say.
But not just me, but the rest of the guys as well.

(Pic at description box)

"Ya, where are the girls? It's getting late," Taehyung says looking at his watch.
"Hyung relax, just text them" I say.

"Are you excited Jungkook ah?" Namjoon asks "excited?" I ask "prom? With Luna.." he says "ah, ani... well, not so much" I say.
"Taehyung is right, what's taking so long?" Jin asks "just call them," Yoongi says.

"No need for that" we hear a woman's voice say from the end of the hall.

We all lift our heads and-

"Holly shit" Taehyung says earning a slap to the back of his head from Jin.

But, he was right, I mean, wow.

Luna and Abbie walk hand in hand towards us, and for me it feels like slow motion.
Their hair flowing after them like in a photoshoot.

Their makeup is like in a photoshoot,  honestly, they look like movie stars walking on the red carpet.

"You all look so...grown up" Abbie says, but I can't even react.
I'm just staring at Luna.
Her dress fitting her body perfectly, showing off each and every curve she has.

"You look lovely Abbie," Taehyung says taking her by her hand, but my eyes still fixed on Luna.
"Thank you Taehyung" Abbie says smiling.

"Jungkook, don't you think you should say hello to your prom date aka your girlfriend Luna who's standing right in front of you?" Jin asks "ani, he's busy staring at her" Hobi laughs.
"Kook!" Abbie snaps me from my trance.

"Ah ..n ..neh" I stutter.
"Hi Bunny" Luna says "hi, you look incredible baby" I say smiling.

"has anyone noticed that they don't look like a baby couple anymore?" Jimin asks "they look like a gangster and his girl, like a kinky - daddy babygirl couple" Hobi says taking us by surprise.

"Maybe we are a kinky couple.." Jungkook shrugs "right baby girl?" He asks Luna, placing his hands on her hips, and I swear to god Jin's soul died.
We just all stand there staring at him with a "you said what now?!" Look.

"I'm not gonna call you daddy. Bunny will be the closest" she says "no. No. No. No kinky shit between the two of you!" I stand between them.

"Changing subject..." Yoongi mumbles us out of this awkward situation.

"I was sure Luna was gonna come with a dress like Abbie's and Abbie with jeans, but if a dress, something like Luna's" Jimin says.

"At the store I tried Abbie's and she tried mine, but we decided to switch, but we're the same size so we can share the dresses, and she wore jeans to our Sophomore dance so I kinda forced her to wear a dress" Luna says laughing with Abbie.

The girl's dresses.

"Shall we go to prom?" Taehyung asks and we all nod

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"Shall we go to prom?" Taehyung asks and we all nod.

Abbie's p.o.v

"What do you think those two are talking about that got them so hyper?" Taehyung asks.
"Probably Jungkook teasing her for wearing that dress" Namjoon says.
"I have to admit, that dress looks on her real good, and yours on you" Jin says.
"I'm flattered" I say giggling.

"Abbie we need to talk about the bet" Namjoon says causing the air around us to become dark and serious.
Honestly, I can't even look at him now, let alone hear his voice.

"Guys! Come and let's take a group picture!" Luna calls "coming hun!" I say "don't ruin these moments of joy for me, later" I say dragging Taehyung with me towards Luna and Jungkook.

"What's wrong Abbs? You seem pissed off at Namjoon" Luna asks me as the two of us sit down for a bit.
"Nothing. I'm always pissed off at him, that's why I call him jerk face, remember?" I ask and she nods laughing.

"About what we talked about earlier, thank you for not getting mad" I say.

"It's fine, you had a stupid bet, I honestly get it, I know you can't stand Namjoon, it's okay...plus you only bet on when Jungkook and I were going to you know...it's not like you bet with Jungkook that he could trick me, so it's all good" Luna says smiling.

Yes, I told her about the bet, I couldn't hold it in anymore, I felt horrible for lying to her like that.
The guys have no idea I told her, well, Jungkook does, cause she told him.

"May I steal my princess for a moment?" Jungkook asks approaching us two.
"You may, go have fun, and tell the guys to come here please?" I ask and they nod.

Not more than two minutes later, the six guys approach me.

"The bet," I start "I won, they had sex" Namjoon interrupts me
"yeah, and I still can't believe Luna would act so recklessly but that's not the issue." I say

"so why did you call us?" Yoongi asks

"Jungkook and Luna know about the bet, I told Luna and she told Jungkook and they're okay with it, as it seems..." I say

"mwo? Wae?" Namjoon asks "cause I couldn't lie to her anymore, plus she told me something interesting as well" I start.

"and what will that be?" Jimin asks "that Namjoon helped Jungkook plan their hotel night today, which is interfering, also, he gave Jungkook a talk about how to approach Luna with the Idea of having sex with her for the first time. That's against our rules, which means that Namjoon lost" I say with a winning smile. I can't believe he cheated.

"Honestly Namjoon? I didn't expect from Luna to be so stupidly innocent to sleep with a guy for the first time in her life when she knows him for barely two months, but I most definitely expect you to cheat, I just never thought you'd lie about it".

It's okay, I'm perfectly fine. At least that's something I say to cover up my true feelings, for not having my heart broken.

Not again.

Dude I was sure this part was published. Guess not. My bad,

Sorry :(

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