S e v e n t e e n

15 3 5

~Two Weeks Later~

1 day until prom
Jk's and Luna's secret hasn't been discovered
Taehyung will be taking Abbie to prom

Abbie's p.o.v

Im sitting in mine and Luna's room as my phone starts to ring.

"Jerk Face is calling you"

"Abbie," Namjoon says "yeah?" I ask.

I have to admit.

The bet really made the two of us closer.
I still think he's a jerk. Don't get me wrong.

"You want to go out? I'm bored" he says "out? Where?" I ask "a diner close by?" He suggests "sure" I say "cool, I'll meet you by the campus yard fountain?" He asks "yeah, cool" I say and end the phone call.

"Sup" I say when I see Namjoon.
The moment I see him and he sees me, we both smile.

"Ready?" He asks "obviously, why am I here if I'm not?" I sarcastically ask.
"Let's go?" He asks "yeah, lemme just text Luna that I'm out," I say and send her a quick text.

"Why? Isn't she at the room?" He asks.
"Ani, out with Kookie, they barelly saw each other lately...Now, we can leave" I say placing my phone in the back pocket of my jeans.

Namjoon and I are sitting at a booth in a nice diner by the college.

"So," I start "so" he says.
Both of us drowned in this huge moment of awkward silence.
"Listen..." we say at the same time and laugh awkwardly.

"You first" he gestures with his hand and I nod.
"I just can't belive the bet is about to end" I say "me too, we have today and that's it" Namjoon says and I nod.
"Can I be honest Namjoon?" I ask and he nods as the food is served to our table.
"Go ahead" he says, taking a bite from his burger.

"I feel like the both of us are getting along way better, because of our bet, in some weird way, I thank it, but at the same time I curse myself for continuing it" I say and he slightly nods, watching me carefully as I take a bite from my burger and a sip from my coke.

"I feel the same way. I curse it, because I am a horrible friend to both Luna and Jungkook for betting on them, and for the guys for making them keep the secret" he starts and I nod "but I thank it, because it made us better friends," he says sending me a comforting smile.

"I need to ask you something, and I want you to be honest with me" I say and he nods "Why did you want to make the bet last until prom?" I ask
"do you know something? Cause we said that we are not allowed to interfere or influence neither Jungkook or Luna" I say.

"Ani, just wanted to have two more weeks of a chance that you'll go out with me and possibly be my girlfriend" he says taking my hands in his.

"I have honest feelings for you Abbie, I truelly do--" he starts but I cut him off.

"Even though it's obvious that you're gonna lose, I will possibly consider on going out with you, cause I saw that you've changed Namjoon" I say honestly.

The smile on his face is the biggest and brightest I've ever seen.

After about an hour of just talking and laughing, we decide to head back towards the college.

"I know! But she's really intimidating...speak of the angle.." I say when my phone rings, I check the ID and it's Luna.

"Hey" I say "hi, I'll be staying with Kookie tonight, don't worry, Chim and Tae are here as well" she says, but sounds off somehow "sure, enjoy" I say and end the call.

"Who was that?" Namjoon asks as we enter the girl's dorm section.

"Luna, she said that she is going to spend the night with Jungkook, at his room" I say.
"Maybe there is a chance I'll win after all?" He asks as we arrive at my room.
"I wouldn't have high hopes" I say opening the door.

"Thanks for the food, I really had a nice time" I say "anytime" he says smiling looking me straight into my eyes.

A moment of silence.

A moment of silence is all needed sometimes.

A moment of undwrstandmet, and this extraordinary sensation in you. That's when it happens.

Namjoon slowly, yet in a hungry way, leans in and connects our lips.
Our kiss is long and toxic, just like us.

Namjoon grabs me and pushes me into my room, closing and locking the door shut after us.

He leads me to my bed laying me there gently and hovers above me.
As our kiss starts to get more heated, yet slower, and monstrous.

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