N i n e

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Jungkook's p.o.v ~ the next evening

"Guys you ready?" I ask Jimin and Tae "yes, let's go get the rest of the guys" Jimin says and a leave the room.

We knock on the door to the hyungs room.
"Hey" Jin says when he opens up the door.
"Hyungs are you ready?" I ask "indeed we are" Hobi says smiling.

We all walk to the girls dorm building to pick up Abbie and Luna.

I knock on the door and Abbie opens up.
"You guys can come in, Luna is getting dressed in the bathroom" Abbie says and we all walk in.

"You look hot" Jimin blurtes out blushing, as Namjoon slaps his head.
"Well thank you" Abbie says smiling.

"Abbie, how much time do I have left t---" Luna starts to say when she exits the bathroom.

As soon as we walks out, she turns back in, while I try to cover the guy's eyes.
You see, she wasn't wearing a shirt, which means that her black laced bra was revealed to all of us.

"Abbie Johnson! You couldn't tell me that there are 7 guys in our room??" Luna asks "sorry honey" Abbie says laughing.

"Can you bring me my shirt?" Luna asks "you can come and get it" Abbie says "or ask your boyfriend to bring it to you" Namjoon says "ani" Luna says "Abbie, there's no chance?"Luna asks "ani" Abbie says amused.

We hear Luna sigh and she exits the bathroom.

"Yah! Don't stare at my girlfriend" I say when I see the guys's gaze drifting over to her direction.
I stand up and cover her with my body, my back to the guys.

"Better" I say sighing in annoyance.

"Um...Jagi?" Luna asks.

I look down to her but I just see her...yeah..And I feel my face get all flustered.

"Can you hand me my shirt?" She asks pointing at a grey shirt that's hanged on the closet door.

"Yeah, yep,you got it" I say grabbing the shirt while closing my eyes.

I hand her the shirt and goes up on her toes and whispers something in my ear.

"You know, just because they can't look at me in this state, doesn't mean you can't" she says softly, walking back into the bathroom, closing the door after her, leaving me standing all fluastered.

"You okay there lover boy?" J Hope asks teasingly.

"Perfectly fine" I say sitting on Luna's bed.
"I'm ready" Luna says leaving the bathroom, fully dressed this time.

"You two look very good" Jin says "thanks" they both say. (Outfits it description pic)

"Yah, you two are matching!" Tae says pointing at me and Luna.
I look at us and realize that I'm wearing blue jeans and a grey shirt, as she is, except she's wearing a jeans skirt.

"This was unintentional" Luna says laughing "telepathy!" Tae says making us laugh.

"Yah Luna, your mom called, she wanted to talk about your birthday, it's coming up" Abbie says

"birthday? When is your birthday?" I ask "next week, not telling you the day" Luna says "mwo? Why? I can bake you a cake!" Jin says

"we can have a party!" Jimin says "I just don't have time or power to organize anything" Luna says

"we can do it, it'll be fun!" Jin says "okay, sounds good" Luna says "yay!!" Hobi cheers.

"But when is your birthday Jagiya?" I ask "yeah... two days," Luna says "there will be a bit of stress but we'll do it!" Hobi says positively.

"Are we skipping the party? Or...." Yoongi asks, reminding us that we have another party to attend.

"Yeah, lets go" I say.

Abbie and Luna grab their things and we leave for the party.


Luna's p.o. v

"How about we play a game?" Jennie asks.
The party technically ended but she insisted we'd stay, so it's me, Abbie, the guys, and half the cheerleading team.

"What kind of game?" Namjoon asks "a drinking game, we give a dare/truth and if you don't want to do it you gotta take two shots" Jennie says.

"Wait, no alcohol" Jin says

We all agree.

"Lets start from the youngest! Luna" Jennie says with an evil smile.

"Sure" I say "truth or dare?" Jennie asks "I'll start easy, truth" I say.

"Are you a virgin? If yes, for what?" She asks "yes, for sexual means" I say "really? How long are you and Jungkook dating?" She asks "a week" Jungkook says smiling proudly.

"Mwo? When I dated Jungkookie oppa, we already did some sexual things"
she says and Jungkook holds my hand tightly.

"Well, that's because my relationship with Luna is real, and based on our feelings, not hormones" Jungkook says and kisses my cheek.

I think most of the people there chuckle at what he said and at Jennie's shocked and annoyed face.

Time passes by and we all took a of a mixture of juices at least one time.

All I can say, is that every turn she had, Jennie asked either me or Jungkook questions and it really pissed us off.

"Jungkookie oppa, truth or dare?" Jennie asks "truth" he says "is there a girl you'd like to kiss here besides your so called girlfriend?" She asks "nope. My GIRLFRIEND gives the best kisses,  and I would never kiss anyone besides her" he says annoyed.

"Really? Not even me?" She asks with a seductive tone.

"You know what Jennie? This is really pissing me off. Jungkook is my boyfriend and your ex. Get fucking over it! If you want a fuck buddy, you have the fucking entire school, so stop clinging on a guy that has a girlfriend and clearly doesn't even have the slightest bit of affection towards you!" I sanp leaving everyone to look at me in shock.

"You are so rude!" One of the cheerleaders says "Jungkookie oppa, make her apologize" Jennie says "the only thing I'll make her do is leave this lame ass party" Jungkook says and grabs my hand.

We leave the party, the guys and Abbie after us.

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