F i f t e e n

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"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I won't be going to class today," Luna says walking in the room.

"Wae?" I ask "because music producing class has a tour at several entertainment companies, I completely forgot about that.." Luna says with an apologetic expression on her face.

"Shit that's right! Completely forgot about that too!" Namjoon says "aish, same here" Yoongi and Hobi agree.

"Fine, but you'll have to make it up for me cause we were supposed to work on our group assignment today" I say

"absolutely" she says "how about a bowling date? Tomorrow evening? Before our night classes" I ask

"sounds incredible" she says hugging me by my torso.

"I'll see you later today or tomorrow" she says kissing my cheek.
"Indeed you will" I say hugging her by her waist.

"We gotta go Luna," Hobi says "yeah, I'll go now..." Luna says walking out the room with Hobi Namjoon and Yoongi.
"Keep my girl safe!" I call after them just to hear them giggle afterwords.

After a few seconds Namjoon runs back in the room.

"Have you seen my phone?" He asks "ani, but look for it" Jin says as Namjoon starts looking all over the room.

"Bowling date?" Jimin asks ignoring Namjoon who's throwing pillows all over the place.

"yea, I wanna ask her to be my prom date... I have to whole evening planned" I say smiling to myself

"the whole evening? What do you have planned in that little dirty mind of yours?" Taehyung asks

"ani, it's just that I have only two weeks before coming back here to summer studies... so I thought we could sleep at a hotel close to the sea, and have a small vacation together" I say as the guys start whisteling and howling.

"I think that's a great idea Kook" Namjoon says smiling and suddenly, Jin looks mad at him.

"Thanks hyung," I say "I can even help you pick out the hotel id you need my help with that or anything else" Namjoon suggests.
"Thank you hyung, that would be amazing" I say making him smile.

"Sure, now I gotta go" Namjoon says leaving the room fast as lightning.

Abbie's p.o.v

As I sit in class, listening to the professor lecturing about marketing, my phone buzzes.
I open it and see that I got a message from Namjoon.

Jerk Face :
I have an interesting offer for you

Me :
What offer?

Jerk Face :
We make the bet last longer, until prom night

Me :
Mwo? Why?

Jerk Face :
Because I am running out of time..the original bet ends this week, please Abbie let it last longer

Me :
What do I get out of this?

Jerk Face :
If you win, I'll never talk to you, and avoid seeing you, I will erase your number and will never try to cantact you

Me :
And what will you get if you win?

Jerk Face :
Three more dates with you, instead of one, I'll have four🌹

Me :
Something smells fishy Namjoon 😑

Jerk Face :
Please? listen Abbie, I love you, I really do, and I want a chance with you but you hate me, so if I'll lose I'll let you go, believe me when I say that it might happen, just...please? Only this once?

Me :
It's a deal Namjoon

Jerk Face :
Thank you , but we need to make it official

Me :
~Voice Recording~

Me :
Aka a voice rec of me approving of our new deal...now, I have class.


Weird...he's acting weird.
But, I know I'll win, and my prize is better than before.

Honestly? I  have feelings for him, strong ones, at least I think they are romantic,but anyway, me having those feelings is in fact the problem.

He's a player, I'm one too, and I know how the game works cause I've been playing it since forever, and I know he has too.

The both of us are like undefeated champions beacuse that's just how we are.

No commitment is the best for the both of us.

He and I want to "have" each other just because of we don't "have" each other.

Just because the rush of the chase.

But when we'll have each other we'll get bored, and it's better for both sides if we end up a little upset than heartbroken.

This is my theory and it proved itself very good up until now, and I believe it won't fail me.
Plus, I have Luna who is a full time job by herself so.

Chicks before dicks. That's what Luna and I say.

At least up until she started dating Jungkook. Which is another reason why I "dislike" him.

Luna is innocent and pure... and I know that I sound stupid af when I say it but it's true.

She's never had her heart broken and... I'm...I guess I'm just looking out for her.

I'm scared that Jungkook will break her heart cause I see she's falling in love with him so quickly and I know that he likes her but I don't know how much...

And I'm scared that he'll get bored and dump her because I know him, and he used to be a player, he has a name for it.

Honestly? It's a surprise that they are still dating.

Class is over. The bell rings, which snaps me out of my pool of thoughts I'm drowning in.
I take my things and leave.

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