T h r e e

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"Go ahead Taehyung" Namjoon says

"how about your friend will go out with one of us, and so you'll have a double date and you won't be alone with mr. Kink over here" Taehyung says

"that actually sounds reasonable, since the both of us owe you guys" I say "what??? I'm not going on a date!" Luna says "you can go with kookie, you two are friends anyways" Yoongi says "please Luna? If you don't come I might get raped!" I say

"excuse me? How desperate and ass do you think I am?" Namjoon asks "you're really asking?" I ask "ouch you got burnt" one guy says "shut up Hobi hyung" Namjoon says.

"Fine,but no kissing involved, now leave so I can get dressed" Luna says "I don't mind staying" the guy with the puppy face says and winks at her making her turn a dark shade of red.

"Yah! Not cool Jimin hyung" Jungkook says.
"Anyways, there is a party today, that will be our double date" Namjoon says "a party? two nights in a row?" Luna asks "you said you wanted to live, enjoy." I say "now out!" I say and push all of them out of the room.

"Come on, let's take a nap before tonight." Luna says putting on her pajamas "so you're not mad?" I ask her "me? Mad about the fact that you set a date up for me without even asking me? Yes. And I will get my revenge" Luna says narrowing her eyes at me, as she gets in her bed, cuddling with her stuffed animals.

That girl is so innocent and scary at the same time, sometimes it really freaks me out.


"Abbie are you ready?" Luna asks "one moment, just finishing up my makeup" I say "makeup? Why are you making such an effort? I thought you didn't want the date" she says with a smirk "I want to look nice in case I'll see someone who catches my eyes" I say "fuckgirl" she says "I know and I absolutely love it" I say winking at her making her role her eyes.
(Outfits in description pic)

We walk to the party and meet the guys there.
"Wow, you look hot" Namjoon says "ew" I say "you look real nice Luna, good to see you" Jungkook says "thanks, shall we go inside?" Luna asks "definitely" Jungkook says grabbing her hand.
"Learn from him, and my eyes are up here" I say "let's just go inside" Namjoon says walking in the house. Such the gentleman.

We actually had a good time until now.

We danced, laughed, talked, drank, *cough* made out *cough*...
And yet, I say until now, and that's because we are now sitting in a circle with the rest of the guys and Luna, playing truth or dare.
Ah yes, and I learned all of the names of the guys, so that was good as well.

"So, Luna, truth or dare?" Namjoon asks "truth" Luna says and we all boo her.
"Fine, dare" she says laughing, taking another sip from her beer.

"Kiss the most innocent looking guy in the circle" Namjoon says "seriously? I'm not kissing anyone" Luna says "why? It's just a game" Yoongi asks "she never kissed anyone, she's the purest girl you'll ever meet" I say earning a death glare from her.

"Well now you have too, just get it over with," Jin says "ani! I don't want too, besides I can't pick, all of you are dirty minded" Luna says "it's just a kiss Luna" I say "so you choose" she tells me "what? Ani!" I say "you're my best friend, I trust you to make the best choice for me" she says.

I look at the guys, trying to think who is the nicest, cause she's right when she says they are all dirty minded.

"Fine, J Hope" I say "just a peck right?" Luna asks when she moves towards J Hope.
"Of course" Namjoon says.
"Relax" J Hope says before kissing her.
I got to admit that I made a mistake, cause J Hope made out with her. And when I say made out with her, I mean, made out with her.

He ends the kiss and Luna just sits there frozen for a moment or two.

"You said a peck!" She says to Namjoon "and you said you'll choose someone innocent!" She tells me "sorry hun," I say laughing at her cute reaction.

"Now I'll take revenge!" She says sitting back at her place.

"Namjoon truth or dare?" She asks "dare" he says "7 minutes in heaven with Abbie" she says "mwo?? Ani!!" I say "let's go, we have to" Namjoon says standing up and I know he's right, cause if we say no than we must take two shots from one another's belly buttons...and I'd rather not to.

Long story short, we took very good advantage of the 7 minutes.
"I gotta admit, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would" I say "I knew you would baby girl" Namjoon says putting on his shirt.

We go back to the gang, to see that Luna and Jungkook aren't there.

"Where are the babies?" I ask "we gave Luna a few dares she didn't want to do, she got too drunk so Jungkook took her home, he's staying with her until you go there" J Hope says laughing "she's really funny when she's drunk" Tae says "by the way, you two took 15 minutes" Yoongi says raising a brow "what can I do? I'm a fuckgirl, and I need to go, bye" I say leaving the place.

What a night.

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