T w e l v e

17 5 2

Luna's p.o.v

"Okay! So it's time for the presents!!" Jin announces happy.

"Ya know, when you said a party, I thought it would be an actual party, with people, not just us" Abbie says "shh!! Presents time" Jin hushes her.

"Okay, so this one is from me" Abbie says handing me a black velvet box.
"Omo! It's gorgeous!" I say admiring the necklace.

It's actually a silver guitar peck with the date of my first time performing.

"I love it! I love you!" I say hugging her "too much affection!" Abbie says shaking me off.
"Now, for our gift!" Jimin says excited.

"Oh my god I can't believe it!" I say fast when Jin and Hobi and me the present they got me.
A brand new acoustic guitar.
"And these," Namjoon says.

Yoongi hands me a black notebook with a black sharpie.

"The notebook is for your songs" Jimin says  "the pen is for you to decorate your new guitar, make it yours" Tae says "aww! Thanks guys! I love it!" I say hugging them.

"But wait, you have one more present" Jin says looking at Kookie.

"Okay, so I bought you a polaroid camera and a photo album. So you'll make memories of me and you" Kookie says shyly "aww!! Jagi! That's so sweet! I absolutely love it" I say smiling.

"How about you both take a picture now?" Jimin suggests "yeah, I'll take it!" Tae cheers.
Jungkook and I nod and sit next to eachother.
"Closer" Jin says.

Jungkook scoots closer to me, sending butterflies to attack me when our hands touch.

"Yah. You two are DATING. When I say closer, I mean, closer " Jin says causing the both of us to blush.


"Kiss her on the cheek" Hobi says and Jungkook nods.

"Now say cheese!!" Jimin says happy.
Tae takes a picture.

"Aww! So cute! Another one!" Hobi cheers "neh, this time Luna kisses Kook on the cheek" Abbie says.

"three two one.." Jin says holding the camera.
I turned around to kiss his cheek, but instead of feeling his cheek, I meet with his lips.
"Yeah Kook!" Every one cheers.

I blush and push him away.

"Please tell me you caught that on camera" Suga says laughing.

Jin then holds up two polaroids.
One of the kiss, the second one, after the kiss, me with my eyes widened and blushing as Jungkook laughs.

"She looks like a deer caught in headlights" Yoongi says laughing "yah! What was that?" I ask upset "a kiss, pabo" Namjoon says "very clever Kookie" I say shaking my head as he side hugs me.

I hear another click and look up. Jimin snapped yet another picture of us.
"Okay, enough with the surprise pictures" I say.
"How about we take a group picture?" Hobi suggests "sounds good" Abbie nods.
We all gather together as Tae snaps a picture.
"Let me have the pictures, I'll place them in the photo album" I say taking the pictures from Jimin who was holding onto them.

"We were thinking of going to a club, you want to come?" Abbie asks "aniyo, I think I'll stay here," I decline "how about you Kook?" Yoongi asks "ani, I'll stay with Luna" he declines as well.

"Okay then,let's go?" Namjoon asks "fine...but you two! No funny business" Jin says and the both of us nod.
"Bye!" They say when they leave.

"Just us now..." I say awkwardly "just us.." he says.

I never knew things could be so awkward until now.
Should I ask him? If I ask him it'll just get more awkward...but If I don't I'll regret not asking him.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asks "Ah...I have something that I want to ask but I'm debating if I  should..." I say.

"Ask me, never hide things from me" he says squeezing my hand.

Luna, you can do this, just be straight up with him.

"Okay so...I was with Jin shopping and we talked about you..." I say "and what did you talk about?" He asks "

well...I asked him if you wanted to be intimate with me, since I got the feeling that you wanted but didn't know how to talk about it with me since I'm a virgin...and he said that you thought about us being intimate but you didn't want to rush anything" I blab

"Ah...well, it's true..I did think about it, but I'm constantly have this feeling that I don't want it because I don't want to rush anything, I want us to take our time, plus, you're a virgin and that's a big choise to be made and it needs to happen naturally and willingly" he says looking me straight in my eyes.

"Well..honestly?" I ask and he nods "when Jin told me you decided not to, I was a bit disappointed" I say and his eyes widen a bit but then he sort of relaxes himself.

"Disappointed?  W..why would you feel that way?" He asks stuttering which makes me giggle.

"Cause I don't know...I guess something in me wanted something intimate between the two of us would happen" I say blushing.
"Wanted?" He asks "want" I say looking at him.

He leans in.

"Happy birthday princess"

He kisses me , with more passion, emotion, heat and lust.

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