F o u r

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Luna's p.o.v

"I think you need to go home" Jungkook says "noooo...I'm okayyy!!" I say laughing "you're drunk" he says "aniii, just happy!!" I say loosing balance.

"Yeah, I'm taking her home" Jungkook says and I see the other guys nod.
I feel two strong arms picking me up and carrying  me. The next thing I know, I am in my bed, Jungkook standing in my room.
I get up and wash my face. I drink some water and a pill.

"Hey, thanks for bringing me here, but you can go  now, I'll be okay" I say "no way, I'm staying with you until Abbie will come,I'm not leaving you alone" he says "that's sweet but I mean it" I say "as do I" he says.

"At least, lay with me" I say "mwo?" He asks "please? Cuddling helps me to fall asleep" I say and he nods, taking off his shoes, getting in the bed with me, pulling me close.

"I want to ask something" he says "go ahead" I say "did you enjoy the kiss with Hobi?" He asks "it was okay I guess. But I wouldn't have chosen him" I say "who would you have chosen?" He asks and I can feel him tense up.
"You" I say blushing, making him blush as well.

"I'm gonna try something" he says and I nod.
He leans in, closing his eyes and so do I.
Finally out lips meet, and we share this innocent and sweet kiss.

"I liked this one better" I say
"me too, now go to sleep" he says humming me a song, slowly, I fall asleep.

Jungkook's p.o.v

"Hey, I'm here you can go" Abbie says when she enters the room.

I try to get up but Luna pulls me closer, her hands are wrapped around my waist, under my shirt.

"She's holding me" I say "I'll help" Abbie says.
She comes and replaces me with a big plushie.

"Thanks for watching on her," Abbie says "my pleasure, by the way, I'll come over tomorrow morning to walk with her to our class" I say and she nods, leading me to the door.

"Good night Jungkook" she says "night" I say and leave the room, Abbie closing the door behind me.

"I'm back" I say when I walk into mine, Jimin's and Tae's room.
"Good, is Luna okay?" Tae asks "yeah" I say blushing "what are you blushing about Kookie?" Chim asks.

"Me and Luna...we kissed" I say scratching the back of my head "mwo? How? When? Why? How was it? Was it just a kiss?" Chim attacks me with questions.

"Yes. Just happened. When I was at her room. Cause we wanted. Very sweet. Yes" I say blushing "do you like her?" Tae asks "I just met her, but I think I do" I say taking off my shirt, getting into bed.

"Very nice... goodnight Kook" Tae says "goodnight" I say and fall asleep.

"Yah Kook! Wake up or you'll be late!" I hear Chim calling me "aish, thanks hyung" I say getting up "by the way, you were smiling in your sleep? What'd you dream about?" Tae asks teasingly "I honestly can't remember" I say. That's a lie.

The entire night, I dream about us. Luna and I. As a couple, kissing, and maybe doing more.
"You sure?" Chim asks "yup"I say taking my bag and leaving the room.

I knock on Luna's and Abbie's door.
"Hey Kookie! Good morning" Luna says walking out smiling.

Wow. She looks amazing, she's wearing a black long v neck crop tight shirt, with black ripped skinny jeans, timberlands and an olive green bomber jacket.

Thankfully, in our school there is no uniform, so we are free to wear whatever we want, as long as it's not too flashy.

"You ready?" I ask her "yes" she says closing the door as the two of us walk towards the class.

This became our usual drill,since we learn often together, in the classes we share because well, we ARE in the same year.

During the next eight weeks, we would hang out, mainly the two of us alone, but the guys and Abbie joined us often as well.

But we spent almost 24/7 together, so we got closer and closer. And my crush towards her started to develop into something more than just a crush.

Abbie and Namjoon actually became friends, not with benefits kind of friends, but actual friends, sort of a love-hate relationship, since the two of them can't stop fighting for even one second.

Abbie's p.o.v

I'm now sitting with the hyung line in mine and Luna's room.

The maknae line and Luna are there too, but they are deep in their sleep.

Namjoon and I seem to be the only one's who are in a "okay-ish" state right now, since Yoongi Jin and Hobi are seriously drunk.

"Hey Abbie, do you think Kookie and Luna are together?" Namjoon asks me "ani...but I sure ship them, they are the cute and innocent couple" I say smiling "they may seem innocent on the outside, but I promise you that the both of them are just like the rest of us deep inside" Namjoon says "I don't think so..." I say.

"What if we have a bet?" Namjoon asks "what bet?" I ask "from what I understood, the two of them are a couple,  what if we bet how long it'll take them until they do the deed? I give them a month, Jungkook already did it, and I know he'll want to" Namjoon says

"ani! Luna won't do it so soon with someone she knows for barely two months" I say "so is this a bet?" He asks

"what does the winner get?" I ask "if I win, you go out with me,for real, for a month, if you win, I will stop fighting for you dating me" he says "it's a bet"

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