F i v e

37 4 1

I open my eyes slowly, trying to avoid any quick flash of sunlight, by covering my eyes with my arm.

My head is hurting like someone is hitting it with a hammer.

"Fucking hangover" I mumble in a morning voice.

"Luna?" I ask "hmmm...I'm sleeping" she mumbles "you have class in like two mintues," I say looking at my phone.

"Ani, it got cancelled, we're staying in bed for a while" she says. We?

I lift myself up slowly, I am still hungover... and look at Luna's bed to see her all cuddled up against a peacefully sleeping Jungkook.

"Okay, I'm leaving in 5 minutes" I say "k" she says moving closer to Jungkook, as he wraps his hands around her tightly.

Gosh they are so cute.

I have to say, this school is pretty chill, guys can sleep over , and we can sleep in their room. I don't know why, but I give it a big thumbs up.

I get out of bed and get dressed. Light boyfriend jeans, black guns and roses T and red converse.

I put my wavy brown hair up in a messy bun, cause who the hell has the power to make it look good.
I put on my big silver hoops, and rest of my jewelry.

"I look like shit." I say when I look in the mirror.

"Okay, Luna I'm leaving" I say but she doesn't answer. I look over at her seeing she's asleep, before I leave the room.

As I'm about to enter my class, a hand pulls me away, out of nowhere.
"What the fuck Namjoon ?" I ask when I see it's him.

He doesn't answer.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask "somewhere we can talk in private" He  says.
He leads me to our gang's place, it's a hidden garden in the campus, with a big stone table, we usually sit there during breaks, or during the night.

"yah! What's going on?" I ask when he pushes me to the table.
"We need to talk about the bet" he says "what bet?" I ask.
"Wait, you don't remember?" Namjoon asks me "ani, what bet?" I ask and then it comes back.


"What if we have a bet?" Namjoon asks "what bet?" I ask "from what I understood, the two of them are a couple,  what if we bet how long it'll take them until they do the deed? I give them a month, Jungkook already did it, and I know he'll want to" Namjoon says "ani! Luna won't do it so soon with someone she knows for barely two months" I say "so is this a bet?" He asks "what does the winner get?" I ask "if I win, you go out with me,for real, for a month, if you win, I will stop fighting for you dating me" he says "it's a bet"

~End of Falshback~

"Ani! I was completely drunk!" I say "so was I, but it doesn't matter, we had a bet" Namjoon says "we also signed a paper" Namjoon says showing me the paper.

"You're actually ready to bet on your friend?" I ask in disbelief.
"Do you remember what the winner gets?" He asks and I nod.

If he wins, I must date him for a month, if I win, he'll stop trying to get me.
"Fine, a bet is a bet" I say "just what I thought" Namjoon says "now, we can go back to class" he says and I nod.
Namjoon leaves while I stay there sinking in my thoughts.

Am I a terrible friend for doing this? Definitely. Should I steal the page we signed on and burn it? Absolutely?
Will I do it? No. Why? Cause I need to win.

"Abbie!" I hear a mad voice saying.
I look behind me and see Jin, Yoongi and J Hope.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask "what's up? You're asking us what's up?" Jin asks "we know about the bet" Yoongi says.

"So?" I ask "so? You bet on your friends you idiot!" Jin says "it's non of your business" I say "well guess what? It is" J Hope

"besides, they're not dating, and Luna will NEVER sleep with someone out of relationship, especially because she's a virgin" I say with a winning smile

"Jungkook came back to the room now, and he said he spent some quality time with Luna" J Hope says "they were sleeping." I say "and he then said that after he cleans up, he's gonna ask her to be his girlfriend" Jin says and my eyes widen.

"Plus, Namjoon is there with the maknae line trying to convince him it's a good idea" Yoongi says.

"MWO???" I ask sprinting towards the guy's rooms.

"Jungkook! " I say when I open the door.
"Yes?" He asks a bit startled "you can't date Luna" I say "why??" He asks "cause I don't approve of it" I say "so do we" Jin says behind me.

"Huyngs? Why?" Jungkook asks "cause, we don't approve" J Hope says "if you don't give us a reason I don't see why he shouldn't ask her out" Tae says "I frankly think it's a good idea, plus, it's obvious that Luna is into you, especially after you told me that you stayed the night more than one time and cuddled with her" Namjoon says looking directly.
Son of a...

"So what? I cuddle with some of you guys sometimes, does it mean I have feelings towards you? 100 percent no." I say "but then there's the kiss" Jimin says.

"What kiss?" I ask "remember the night when J Hope kissed Luna?" Tae asks "yes" I say "so I brought her back to the dorms, and cuddled her to sleep, but we also kissed" Jungkook says smiling probably at the memory.
So fucking cute. Wait. No.

"You what??" I ask Jungkook "we kissed, and unless you have a reason why I shouldn't date her I'm leaving " Jungkook says "I'll beat you up" I say "you won't, plus, I'll be there before you will able to call out my name" he says sprinting out of the room.

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