S i x t e e n

13 3 1

"What were you doing here ?" Jungkook asks as I walk in the room, him alone there.

"ah, I'm looking for a prom date, thought of asking Jimin or Taehyung, since Luna is taken" I say "not yet taken, I'm asking her tomorrow at our bowling date" he says smiling "you are really sweet with her" I say "yeah" he says blushing a bit.

"Okay so I'll go, just tell Jimin or Taehyung to call me as soon as they can" I say standing up.
"Sure, bye Abbie" he says "bye, and please ask Luna as soon as you can" I say lastly before leaving his room and heading towards my room.

Luna's p.o.v

It's already 19:30 and we just got back from our "field trip".
It was really fun.
We got to record in a professional studio and it was incredible.
The microphones, softwears, computers, the booth itself and don't let me get started on the mixers... I mean, holly heaven.

We got to work on our final project for this year with professional producers. That was...wow..I can't even...

"Luna! Come in," Taehyung cheers, letting me in their bedroom.
I walk in the room, just to find literally everyone else there, sitting on the beds and doors.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at a field trip?" Abbie asks.

"since we returned early from the field trip, I thought Jungkook oppa and I can go on our bowling date....speaking of returning from the field trip how come the three of you are here? We arrived at the same time" I ask confused

"we went straight here, you went to your room, I assume you took a shower and chaged clothes?" Hobi asks "ah...neh...".

"Anyways, Jungkook, wanna go now? I thought that tomorrow we can just work all day on our group project in composing and writing class" I ask.

"Bye hyungs" he says getting up quickly, taking me by my hand and leading me out.
"bye!!!" They scream behind us.


"Ugh Jungkook!" I say when he scores another strike.
"What? Scared to lose?" He asks teasingly.
"Aish....so rude" I tease back as I stand up and take my bowling ball.

"How about we ditch the game and go eat? I'm getting hungry" he says "sounds like a great idea, I was to lose anyways" I agree making him chuckle.

We stop the game and leave the bowling alley, heading towards a small barbeque restaurant .
"Barbeque does sound good to you right?" I ask Jungkook "absolutely" he says smiling, kissing my head.

"You're weird" I say "weird?" He asks "yeah, you seem smily and happy and exited today more than usual" I say "well that has three very important reasons" he starts "please Kookie, elaborate" I say as we walk into the restaurant.

"When the both of us are sitting and eating I will" he says.
"A table for two please" he says and a worker leads us.
She sets our table and places different types of meats and vegetables.

"So, we are seated and cooking our food, please tell me?" I ask looking at Jungkook who's grilling some beef.

"Okay, so the first reason is obvious, beacuse I'm with you" he says smiling shyly.
"So cute!" I say causing him to blush.
"I just smile more with you around" he says kissing my cheek.

"The second one?" I ask "I wanted to know if you wanted to go to prom with me?" He asks "I'd love to baby" I say pecking his lips softly.
"I'm relieved, I was scared that you would have said no" he says "why would I?" I ask "I don't know, you just make me nervous" he says "well, you have nothing to be worried, I'll talk to Abbie so she and I will go pick out dresses, and just so you know, you make me nervous too but also happy. When I see you, when I hear your name, I smile uncontrollably." I say holding his hand "and the same goes to me about you"

"Now, the third reason?" I ask while taking another bite from my food.

"well, that's because last night" he says winking, sending me a cheeky grin.

Now I'm the one who's blushing.
"Omo, Jeon Jungkook!" I say with my eyes widened, slapping his arm slightly.

"I'm serious, I just feel way more connected with you since then" he says "me too, it was the perfect first time, by the way, what did you tell the guys?" I ask

"I said that we just had a make out session... nothing more, I just want to keep our intimate life between us for a while" he says smiling kindly.

"What did you tell Abbie?" He asks "the same...if she would have known that I had sex she would have freaked out, I'll tell her soon though"

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