T h i r t e e n

20 5 8

Abbie's p.o.v

"Hi we're back!" I say when I and the guys open the door to mine and Luna's dorm room.

It's weird you know, our relationship with the guys. I mean, all of them except for Jungkook, aren't even supposed to be learning this year, but our school includes pre-college lessons so they are here but still, I would have never imagined I would befriend people who are 4+ years older than me. I mean, Jungkook is in our year but the other's?.

No response from them besides some grunts and unidentified sounds. Omo!
I rush in the room just to find the both of them sound asleep on the bed cuddling,

Jungkook shirtless, with his hands around her, her face buried in his chest and their legs tangled together.

"Aw! They are so cute!" Tae says "neh," Jimin says taking out his phone and snapping a picture.

"I wonder why he's without his shirt though..." Tae says causing all of our eyes to widen at the thought that something might have happened.

"Jungkook ah! Luna ssi! Wake up" Hobi says.
"Aniyo" Luna mumbles "we're tired and sleeping" she says.

"Lu! Wake up!" I say a tiny bit too loud.
"Shut the up Abbie and let us sleep!" Luna says.

"Yah!! Don't be rude towards your Unnie!" I say "Abbie seriously? I just want to sleep" Luna says starting to sniffle.

"Aish, babe don't cry" Jungkook says in a raspy voice, softly.
"Fine just...goodnight" I say.
"Bye guys" I say "Bye, goodnight" they mumble leaving the room.

Jungkook's p.o.v

"I trust you" she says, I look at her lips moving slowly, seductively, I look at her eyes and they are staring into mine, she's looking into mine, her eyes clear as a crystal, sparkling, like her smooth fair skin, makes me want to run my lips all over it, staining it, making it mine. Making her mine.

"I know baby, but are you sure? It's your first time after all..." I start, as I hover above her.

"I'm sure" she whispers close to my ear, her breath leaving me with goosebumps, making it harder for me to control myself.

"You need no control right now Baby" she says as if reading my mind.

Slowly, lovingly.
Moving our bodies in synce.
We have the whole night to ourselves, and right now it seems as if it's only her and I in this world.
I look down at her and she seems so angelic.


My eyes flatter open as I wake up from my sweet sweet dream.
But, it was not only a dream.

"Baby, wake up" I hear a sweet voice tickling my ear.
"I'm up" I mumble.

"Aish...good morning baby" she says pecking my lips softly.
"Good morning baby" I say smiling into our kiss, that got a little more heated than what it was meant to be.

I chuckle as she giggles against my lips.

Soon enough, we're having a sweet make out on her bed, tangled together in the covers and sheets.

I'm hovering above her staring at her angelic figure just like in my dream, as the rays of sun hit her skin magically, making it look as if she's actually sparkling.

So magical, beautiful, precious. I wish we had this moment last forever.

"What?" She asks giggling "You look like an angle" I say.
The blush slowly makes its way and covers her cheeks.

I turn us over, so she's sitting on my v line...on my..umm...area..

"You're so cute when you blush!" I say pinching her cheek.

"Jungkook ssi! Stop it!" She objects, hitting my bare chest playfully.
"Did you just hit me?" I ask playfully.
"A..ani" she says failing to hold back her sweet laugh, which is a melody to my ears.

"Yah! I'm hurt! Kiss me and make it better!" I say "aniyo!" She says shocked.

"Come on! One kiss!" I say "fine!" She surrenders.

She leans in and her plump, sweet and soft lips meet mine.

As the seconds fly by, the kiss continues, getting a tiny bit more heated.
My hands start traveling their way down, from her neck, to her mid back, my finger tips, touching her lower back.

She runs her small hands though my hair, playing with its tips, as her arms are hugging my neck loosingly.

"Do you think they're awake by n..." Hobi's voice says as he swings the door wide open.
"Omo!!!" He screeches.

"It seems as if they are more than awake" Namjoon says teasingly.

Luna jumps off me as I jump up from the bed.
Both of us flushed deep red, my heart pounding out of my chest, I'm scared they will be able to hear it.

"I think it's more than appropriate to say and assume that the two of you had a good morning?"

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