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Luna's p.o.v

I'm sitting on my bed, after a shower, wearing a dark blue tank top, with white pajama shorts, playing my guitar, trying to write a song.

"And now you are stuck in my mind, na na na na na"

"Ani..Why can't I move on from this line!!" I ask myself in frustration.
My thoughts are stopped, by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"


"It's open"

I stand up and he walks towrds me fast, pushing me to the wall.
"Jungkook what's going on?" I ask "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks determine.

"What did you just..what?!" I ask surprised.

"I want you to be my girlfriend, I like you, like like you" he says.
"yes" I say and kiss him softly, as he holds me close.

"Luna!! Say no!!" Abbie barges in the room, also sweating, making Jungkook and I break the kiss.

"What? Why?" I ask "cause I don't want you to date him" Abbie says "why?" I ask

"cause...I...I.." Abbie says

"we disapprove as well" Jin says as he and the rest of the guys walk in
"he means, that Hobi, I, him and Abbie, are against you two dating" Yoongi says

"why?" Jungkook asks

"Abbie,  you're my best friend, and if you give me a good reason I might actually consider it" I say "mwo??" Jungkook asks "I said consider Kook" I relax him.

"Well, do you have a reason?" Namjoon asks her "yes, he's not a virgin!" Abbie says "that's it?" I ask laughing at Jungkook who's now blushing.

Abbie looks at the rest of the guys for help.
"I got nothing..." Yoongi says.
"Well, if that's all..." Jungkook says pulling me close.

"damn, okay, just promise me you won't sleep with him before talking to me" she says "of course" I say.
"Just so you know , I said yes before you walked in"  I say "I realized that when I saw you two kissing" Abbie says making me and Jungkook blush.

"Okay, I need to get organized so please leave the room" I say "organized?" Jungkook asks "yeah, you and me are going out" I say "really?" He asks

"yup, now leave, all of you"

I wear black skinny jeans, black cropped t shirt and timberlands.
I apply bb cream, concealer , mascara, and lips gloss. I leave my long dark brown wavy hair down.
I put on two black dots earrings and spray perfume.
I grab my phone and leave the room.

"Hey, let's go" I say when I see Jungkook standing outside my room.

Unfortunately, so are the rest of the guys and Abbie.

"Where are you guys going?" Abbie asks "somewhere" I say grabbing Jungkook's hand.

We both leave the dorms buildings and head towards the streets.

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asks "I was thinking we can go to to the movies?" I ask "sounds good" Jungkook says taking me by my hand, as we catch a cab.

We arrive at the movies and buy two tickets to a horror movie.
Jungkook chose the movie, obviously, I'm get scared easily so that means, I'll hide behind him, and he knows it.

Abbie's p.o.v

"Hey can we get 7 tickets for Blood Pact?" Namjoon asks taking out money.
Yes. We followed them. Obviously.
"Thanks" Namjoon says when he receives the tickets.

"Here you go" he says handing them out to us.

We enter the theater and walk to our seats which are 5 rows behind Jungkook and Luna.
We all sit there, Namjoon and I are the closest to the stairs.

Halfway through the movie Namjoon starts drawing circles on my thigh.
"What are you doing?" I whisper "What am I doing?" He asks with a cocky smile.
"Namjoon, stop please" I ask him when starts getting closer to my area.

He just grabs my hand and pulls me out the theater and into a janitors closet next to it.
"Namjoon what the---" I ask but he just kisses me, pushing me against the wall.
"Shhh," he says against my neck making me moan.

"Wait!" I say pushing him away.
"We need to promise that this won't come between us during the bet" I say "deal" he says, and with that, continues what he started.

Jungkook's p.o.v

Halfway through the movie, and Luna is curled up against me hiding her face in my chest.

Okay, I'm feeling two things, joy, because my plan worked, and well, more joy, cause it's so funny watching her scared.

"Yah Jagiya,  don't you want to watch the movie?" I ask teasingly "ani...too scary" she says making me chuckle a bit.

I continue to watch to movie, until two people leave the theater, weird, they look like Abbie and Namjoon--wait a minute.

I turn my head backwards carefully and slowly, and I'm not surprised when I see the 5 other guys, about 5 rows above us, watching the movie.

"Great" I say.
"What happened? You sound mad" Luna says lifting her head up looking at me.

"Yeah, our friends followed us here" I say "damn it..." she says "let's go, quickly" I say grabbing her hands, and we both leave the place.

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