E i g h t

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Luna's p.o.v

I am walking hand in hand with Jungkook through the halls of our school.

"I feel weird" I say "wae?" He asks "cause everyone is looking at us" I say making him look around the hall, and as soon as he does that, they all turn away.

"Probably jealous" he says "of what? Me dating one of the most popular guys in school?" I ask

"Ani, of me dating such a beauty like you" he says "very smooth" I say.

"But I'm serious, the girls are hating me for dating you" I say

"ignore them, you are the one that I like and that's why I'm dating you" he says

"still. Everybody looks at me weird cause we don't have a status" I say
"what do you mean?" He asks "in their eyes I'm just your friend with benefits, even though we did nothing like that" I say "well, I'll just have to let them know you're mine, my girlfriend" he says and pulls me into a kiss.

"Better?" He asks "I don't know..maybe another one would help" I say playfully "my pleasure" he says leaning towards me, but we get interrupted by a cough.

"Jungkookie oppa! How are you?" Jennie asks.

Jennie is a cheerleader of our high school football team.
Just imagine the most perky, annoying, slutty, stupid girl, the one that the guys want but at the end of the day, everyone hates her cause she's so mean, the one who's the laugh of the school.
yeah. That's her.

"I'm doing fine Jennie" he says and I can tell from his voice he's already starting to get annoyed.

"Hey Jennie" I say smiling trying my best to sound nice.

"Hi...anyways Jungkookie oppa, I'm having a party tomorrow night, and I would just love if you would come, you and I can...catch up" she says with a flirty smile and winks at him.

I told you she is slutty.

"Sounds cool, what do you think babe, wanna go to a party tomorrow Jagiya?" He asks me "Sounds cool, thanks Jennie" I say smiling "well, this was a great talk but we gotta go Jennie," Jungkook says pulling me away from there as fast as possible.

Jungkook and I burst out in a laughs fit.
"D...did you see her face when you called me babe?" I ask "nae, it was just hilarious!" He says laughing.

"What happened to the two of you?" Tae asks "you look like shit" Yoongi says.
"We just talked to Jennie, she invited us to her party and she was flirting with Kook, Jungkookie Oppa!!" I say imitating her.

I realize that the guys are serious.

"Wae?" I ask "you do know that Jennie is Kook's ex right?" Tae asks.

Wait, what?

"She's your ex?" I ask serious for a moment, he nods, and I burst out laughing.
"I...I can't....to hard to breath..." I say between laughs.

"haha, we get it," Jungkook says but Tae and I continue laughing.

"Luna, you're aware that they slept together right?" Yoongi asks.

"Hyung!" Jungkook says "you slept with her?" I ask him and he nods "so, was it good?" I ask him "I've had better than her" he says but freezes when he realizes what he just said.
"How many girls did you sleep with? No wait, how many girlfriends did you have before me?" I ask "good luck Kook" Yoongi says as he and Tae walk in the class.

"How many?" I ask again "I've had two girlfriends, I can't remember with how many girls  I've slept with" he says making my eyes widen.

"Don't take me as a playboy, but sometimes in parties, things would happen" he says "no it's all good, but just so you know, my expectations for you just raised" I say walking in the class.


"What do you even find in me?" I ask Kookie, when the two of us are sitting outside on the grass.

"What do you mean?" He asks me

"I mean, like we talked earlier,  you've been with a lot of girls, like Jennie, and no matter how annoying she is, there is no denying that she's hot, all the guys want to be with her, the girls either hate her, or want to be her" I say.

He starts laughing.

"Yah! Don't laugh in serious!" I say hitting him playfully.

"Listen Jagiya, you are the most beautiful girl I've met, inside and out," he says

"maybe inside, but ouside? My hair is messy, my eyes are..weird, my nose is too big, my lips are somewhat okay, but don't get me started on my body" I say 

"I love your messy hair, it reminds me of the crazy, in a good way, girl you are, every time I look in your eyes, I get lost, they are blue and remind me of the ocean, your nose is cute as a button, your lips are plumped and it's so hard not kissing them all the time, you're shaped like a bottle, you are curvy in the best way possible, and I love every one of your curves okay? You're not fat,  or ugly, your perfect!"

"you're making me blush" I hide my face

"Good!" He says cupping my face in his hands and kissing me softly, a bit longer than usual.

"I told you it's hard not to kiss your lips" he says chuckling, making me hide my face in his chest, as we lay back on the grass, looking at the beautiful sky.

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