Last Words

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This is the end,
At least for the first book, I am working on a sequel.

I really hope that you liked the story,
Know that I worked really hard on it, and I appreciate every view comment and vote that I receive.

I do this merely because I can't live without writing, I eat sleep and breath writing, so...yeah

Thank you for reading this book,
You are more than welcome to read my other works; Something Real and Something Perfect which are a Stray Kids Lee Felix Fanfic, Secrets Of The Heart (non-ff and on hold), and I have another book on the way ¿


Thanks for reading this story, I had a really fun and funny time while writing this book :)

I wanna thank once again ela1234kori my best friend, who inspired me to write this book. Like seriously this started out as some game we played and I wanted to make it a book, so thanks for helping me!!!

And that's about it...

Oh! The second  book will be out on July 25th!

I know that I don't have a lot of a/n's , but still I just wanted to say thank you, for everything.

Yours truly


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