E l e v e n

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Ahhhhh!!!! Finally back to updating!!
I had like 5 tests these past weeks, two of them were more than fucking three hours😢
but, finally, yesterday I had my last test for my first semester which is ending next week.
I'm so sorry it took a long time for me to update but I just had to study for all of my exams.

So, here is the update!! Enjoy my lovelies!!

Jin's p.o.v

"So where will the party be?" Jungkook asks.
It's just us the guys now.

"There is that clubhouse on campus, we can do it there" Yoongi says and Jungkook nods.
"What do we need to buy?" I ask taking a peice of paper and a pen.

"Beers, snacks, things for a cake, plastic plates, cups and bowls, balloons, candles, decorations" Jimin says and I nod writing it all down.

"Hyungs I have a question" Jungkook asks "go ahead kook" Hobi says.

"What should I get Luna as a present?" He asks "how about a necklace? A bracelet?" Jimin offers "I thought about that, but I want to give her something more special, Abbie is giving her a necklace, she'll probably get that from other people as well" he says.

"Maybe give her what you gave Jennie?" Namjoon asks wiggling his eyebrows making Jungkook blush.

"I actually thought about that, but Jennie wasn't a virgin, and our relationship was mostly physical" Jungkook says "with Luna it's different,  emotional, and lets not forget that we are a couple for only a week, I don't want her to feel pressured" Jungkook says.

"I agree with you" I say "thanks hyung" Jungkook says smiling.

"Now, who's coming with me to buy the things?" I ask "I'll come" Luna says when she walks in the room.

"How long are you here?" Hobi asks  "just got here, why? Where you gossiping?" She asks giggling "ani..ani...just talking" Jungkook says nervously.

"Okay Kook, anyways... Jin I'll go with you," Luna says turning to me "alright, let's go" I say "bye Jagiya see you later" Jungkook says "bye Jagi" Luna says and we leave the room.


Luna and I are now in the pharmacy, I needed to get some Advil.

"Hey Jin oppa?" Luna asks "neh?" I ask her "I wanted to ask you something" she says "go ahead" I say smiling "well, this will be embarrassing.." she says biting her lower lip.
"What's going on?" I ask "did Kook talk to you guys about us being intimate?" She asks making my eyes widen.

"have you?" I ask "aniyo...but, I've been feeling that he wants to, but doesn't know how to talk to me about it since I'm a virgin...does he want to be intimate with me?" She asks.

"Well, we actually talked about it today, he said that he doesn't want to pressure you, and that he wants your relationship to be first emotional, then intimate, he said that he feels like what you two have is actually real" I say "aww!! Really?" She asks

"neh, he really likes you, we can see it"

"He talks about you all the time, and even when he doesn't, I know he's thinking about you" I say "aish...jinja...that silly boyfriend of mine" she says blushing.

"So I wanted to ask if I should buy protection things..." she says "mwo??" I ask blushing "I know it's weird but...if he's planning something, I want to be prepared" she says blushing "you don't need to, it won't be necessary" I say "ah, neh" she says continuing to walk.

Maybe I'm imagining it, but, it seems as if she's somewhat disappointed of what I said.

Jungkook's p.o.v

I am now at the mall with Jimin and Hobi, trying to find a gift for Luna.
"I think I'm giving up" I say "let's just go home, Abbie anyway said that she doesn't want anything" I say.

"Let me call her" Jimin says and I nod.
"Hi Abbie....yes..We don't know....no...he's giving up....yeah...ahuh...neh..okay, an..." he says but she hangs up.

"What did she say?" Hobi asks "she said that you can get her a guitar, her guitar is already old and ruined, or maybe some books she's looking for a long time...she sent me a text with their names, or maybe a polaroid camera" Jimin says.

"I have an idea" Hobi says "I'm listening" I say.

"What if you get her a polaroid camera, and an album, she can make an album full of pictures of the two of you" Hobi says "that's actually a good idea" Jimin says "what if I buy her a guitar and a song notebook?" I ask "that can work as well, but we can get her everything" Jimin says

"mwo? And how do you expect me to pay for it?" I ask "you can get her the polaroid camera, and the six of us can get her the guitar and the notebook, I mean, she's our friend too, and we were planning on getting her a present anyways" Jimin says.

"Jimin ah! That's a great idea!" Hobi says "thanks hyung" Jimin says with a proud smile.

"What do you think kookie?" Jimin asks

"sounds good, just update the guys" I say smiling.

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