T w e n t y O n e

23 2 13

Final Chpater!

I'm not quite sure how I ended up in this situation.

Pretty confused I must admit, but right now sitting in a hotel room with Luna and all of the guys.

Oh right, now I remember.

Because Luna and Jungkook are gonna visit Jungkook's parents tomorrow and stay there for two weeks, and afterwards Luna and I are flying to visit our families back in America, Luna and Jungkook decided that the hotel room will be for all of us so we can have a one last friend's night.

"This has been a great year" Luna says causing us all to look at her.

She's laying on the floor, with her dress still on her, staring at the ceiling.

"I mean, I had my first kiss, made some new friends, got my first boyfriend, had sex, I got drunk at least three times and regretted it every time, and was thankful that we weren't caught drinking because some of us are underaged" she says in nearly one breath.

"Luna are you drunk?" Hobi asks "no, just super tired, and in these times I get super weird, i start talking philosophy shit" she says "she does tho" i say remembering all of our 2 am deep conversations.

Happened more than you think it did.

"I'm gonna miss you Luna, it will he so boring without you during the summer vacation" Taehyung says "neh, the maknea line of the gang won't be complete" Jimin says.

"You'll still have the real maknea with you" I cheer them, reminding them that Jungkook will still be here.

"Just because Luna is older than Jungkook in like 5 months, doesn't mean that he's the real maknea" Yoongi says "I mean, he acts so mature compared to Luna" he continues.

"Depending on time and situation" Jin adds.

"But those two are extremely exhausting when they're together. They always find a way to create a mess" Namjoon says.

Even hearing his voice hurts.
Since Luna and Jungkook told me what Namjoon did, my heart has become frozen again.
I wasn't in love with him, it's just that we became really good friends, and sure, I started to consider giving him a chance in dating, but our friendship mattered to me so much more than a romantic relationship.

When I found out that our so called friendship was based on his lies, my heart was frozen immediately. How am I supposed to trust him? I told him personal things. Things I would tell Luna only and he was lying to me and playing me the entire fucking time..

It hurts. It really does.

"I don't know..I just love they're relationship. They're perfect for eachother" Hobi says "I once walked in on them having like a really deep conversation, there were tears and such" Jimin says.

"Cute, they fell asleep" Jin says taking a blanket, covering Luna and Jungkook who are sleeping cuddled on the floor.

"Now it's grownup time!" I say cheering.

"You do realize you, Jimin and Taehyung are awake right?" Yoongi asks "aish...pabo...I'm more grownup than most of you" I role my eyes.

"Jinjja, that girl is rude! Yah! Respect your elders!" Jin says and my face is whooshed to the floor.

A pillow. Min Yoongi threw a freaking pillow at me.

"Oh no you didn't!" I jump up with the pillow, throwing it directly at his face.

I never saw anyone so annoyed, with such a relaxed face. Then I met Min Yoongi.

"Yaa!!" He shouts standing up he starts chasing me around the room and I run away, throwing random things at his direction.

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