Fumi Fifty-Two!

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The music on the sides of the chapters fits the emotions of the chapters perfectly, so I'd suggest listening to them as you read them from now on.


Kiana watched, horrified as so many things happened at once on the display screen.




She burst up and ran to Adam who was typing away furiously away on the terminal.

"Adam, you can't just let this happen!"

"I know, I know!" he shot back, his brows knitted with concern. While he was basically the god to the anime world, he wasn't the God. "Dammit..."

Kiana felt tears form in her eyes as she watched what happened in the Holding World to distract her mind. The kids were having a meeting with each other to figure out how to get Zelda back. In the mean time, Junpei was still using her even though he had Yui.

Zelda... she thought to herself. I'm so sorry you have to go through this...

Back over in Ouran, Adam was typing away, struggling to keep whatever what happening from happening.


"You know your role?" Eclair asked Kaida.

"Stay in the door and keep them from escaping," the brat grinned. "And for the two 'heros' to get in."

"Very good," the wealthy girl smiled. "I'm sending the men in, now. Now you're sure that Eri is in the windowed room?"

"Positive," she smiled.

"Then let's do this," she chuckled.

~*In the Holding World*~

"We have to get up there," Chloe told them, hushed. A select few had joined her in their mission to rescue Zelda, while the rest were back guarding the younger ones.

“All the way up there?” Preuss asked Chloe wearily, eyeing the castle tower. He saw one single window lit at the very top.

She nodded. “I’m afraid so. Here—use this.”

The boy looked down to see a type of hookshot and took in a deep breath, aiming it at the wooden ledge about a hundred yards away. He fired it, and it caught, yanking him.

“Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!” Preuss belted out as he flew through the air.

“I knew you were my little brother!” Dastan whooped, fist pumping.

"Quiet down!" Chloe scolded harshly. "Now they knew we're here!"

Preuss grabbed the wooden post and spun around it once before landing Assassin's Creed style atop it. "Let's face it, Junpei knew we were here the second we stepped foot out of the trees. He's playing with us. We just have to out-smart him."

"Or I just have to out-smart you," Junpei purred from the open window above him.

Preuss looked up to see Zelda with tears in her eyes and a knife to her throat.

"Don't do it, Pre-chan," she whispered breathlessly. "Just go."

"Silence!" Junpei demanded, shaking her and causing Zelda to let out a yell of fear.

Preuss's eyes narrowed. "Let her go!"

"Oh, but she chose me over you~"

"Only because she knew you were going to kill us if she didn't!" Preuss snapped. The Holding World had aged them by many years, and now the boy acted like he was about seventeen.

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