Fumi Twenty-Six!

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Perisa was pushed forward out of the small way and towards the stench of burning flesh. The girl winced and choked a bit on the smoke, struggling to get free so she could run and get clean air. And, you know, so she could kind of not be under the authority of her captor.

"Lmmee g!" she ordered, trying to summon her mother's super strength to break free. But allas, no such luck. Either she was too weak still, or her kidnapper was too strong. (Let me go)

"Patience, my child," the smooth voice chuckled. "You will be free soon enough."

Perisa thrashed and screamed some incoherent order. It got so bad that the person pinning her had to lift up and carry the kicking and screaming girl down the hall in order to make any progress.

"Yes," she mused to herself. "You are quite a fighter..."

Perisa answered by aiming a kick to go right between the legs. The person staggered slightly, but otherwise kept going.

She's a girl, Perisa deducted. Either that or a very strong man.

If she was a girl, then she knew how Perisa acted and could counter. Perisa had to think of a way to get free and hide where the girl couldn't get to her. (A/N: She may be immature, but she isn't stupid.)

Perisa opened her mouth and chomped down on a finger that was covering her mouth. The woman let out a sharp hiss and slapped the girl on the mouth disapprovingly.

"Kicking and screaming I can see of a girl like you... But biting! I dare say, the way kids are raised these days!"

Perisa was starting to get a headache. Yes, it hurt even her to scream ultra-sonically. That combined with her thrashing and fight before, she was ready to sleep.

But she wouldn't sleep until she knew where she was going.

They wound around the endless maze that was the dungeon. Perisa kept her sharp, glittering gold eyes glued to the path before her. She had given up, and was now allowed to walk by herself, though her hands were cranked around behind her back and her mouth was still covered. When they rounded one corner, the walls were suddenly lit with blinding white light. Perisa hissed and tried to turn her sensitive eyes away from the harshness, but was only allowed to close her eyes as the woman holding her captive refused to let her move too much. Once her eyes were adjusted, she looked around at her surroundings.

It was a pristine hall with not a spec of any color but black. The lights were caused by the powerful florescent light bulbs mounted on the ceiling. Along each side of the hallway were black statues to "liven up the place" as the woman explained, guiding the small girl down the hall.

They came to a (what else) pitch-black door. The woman threatened to slice Perisa's throat if she did anything but breath before removing her hand from her mouth and pushing the doors opened. Knowing that the woman spoke the truth and would follow through on her threat, Perisa stayed silent.

Now Perisa was treated roughly. The woman shoved her forward down the corridor, hardly letting the white-haired girl keep her feet from under her. When Perisa got use to stumbling along and looked around, she realized that she was looking at prison cells.

Even she knew what was coming to her.

The woman stopped at a random cell and held her palm against the lock. After a few moments Perisa heard a faint click and the door opened. She was tossed roughly in and the door closed firmly behind her.

Perisa scrambled to her feet to turn and finally see her captor.

She was almost twice the size of Perisa, the girl's head stopping just at her waist. She wore a long black cloak not unlike the Mystery Girl's, though she kept the hood back so one could see her eyes. The colored orbs were a dull, murky brown, though they were unusual.

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