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I skipped down the halls, my laughter echoing behind me. I had always loved going to work with my father, for then I could see the golden palace up close. The high ceilings and intricate carvings were endures amounts of entertainment, and if I was lucky, I would get to see Queen Frigga.

I had meet her once or twice before, and she always remembered my name when we passed in the halls. She would greet me with a smile and a wave, and I would curtsey to her and use my very proper voice to give her the greeting for standard royalty. Then the Queen would laugh and ruffle my hair. I liked her.

Queen Frigga was much nicer than King Odin, though I would never admit to thinking such thoughts. The King didn't bother to ruffle my hair or greet me, none the less acknowledge me at all. I was the only child that walked around the palace 5 days a, week, bored out of my skull. I think I was the only child allowed in the castle, as Price Thor and Prince Loki were both all grown up.

The halls were particularly empty today, as it was Prince Thor's coronation. My father was guarding the Casket of Winters, so he wasn't attending. Neither was I, as I never went anywhere without my father.

When I reached the vault where the Casket was kept, I spied my father standing in attention, watching for any intruders. But there were never any.

Growing bored, I sat down in a corner, and list myself into the depths of the blue casket. The luminous lights always seemed to draw me in. I could feel myself drifting off, my eyes growing heavy and my eyelids drooping...

I woke up to a low, gravelly voice in my ear. Snapping my eyes open, I screamed. It was the creatures from my nightmares. A frost giant. With its face only inches from my own. Then I heard the whiz of metal flying through the air, and a loud crack. The frost giant was gone.

I could breathe again.

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