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It was three days later of Ross and I texting one another all day every day when he asked me to come to his family's house to meet everyone. Christmas was less than a week away and his parent's wanted help to finish decorating the house. Usually they are able to get it done a lot earlier, but with the recent news of his mother, they were running behind.

"Hi Ross! How are you?" I hear Kayla say from inside of the living room.

I grab my bag and keys then exit my room. He's in conversation with her while I go over and approach both of him. He looks down and smiles at me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Ready to go?" He asks once we pull away.

I nod and say goodbye to Kayla before heading into the hallway. "You look so good, I love your outfits lately," I compliment him as we head toward the elevator.

He smiles, "You look good too. And you also look like you might shit your pants, but don't worry." He teases, knocking his hand into mine.

"I get nervous meeting family. Especially since you have so many," I smile nervously at him. "I'm going to forget their names. There are so many R's. Okay so here are all of the names: Rydel, Rocky, Riker, Ryland... and Ranger!"

He rolls his eyes, grabbing my hands. "Mmm you want to call me Ranger? Kinda hot."

I smile and nod my head, staring up at his eyes while the elevator doors open. He keeps his hold on my hand, pulling me through the snow covered ground as we head to his car. "How far do they live from here?"

"About fifteen minutes," he replies once we get inside the car. His hand falls onto my freezing cold thighs. "Sorry, love. My car takes forever to heat up. The leather seats don't help."

I shrug, my hands resting on top of his. Ever since he spent the night in my apartment, we seem to gravitate more toward each other more than before. We still haven't brought up the drunk kiss.

I watch as we pass through the neighborhoods with the big houses, each of them having fountains outside of the big double doors and huge lawns. "These are really nice," I comment on them, having a quick flashback of the environment that I grew up in.

"Yeah they are," he mumbles back. I continue to observe the fancy houses and only moments later, he pulls into a long driveway. "Don't be nervous. You already met Rocky. Rydel, my sister, will absolutely love you and so will my mom. Riker is great. Ryland shouldn't be an issue. My dad is chill," he says, squeezing my thigh.

I meet him at the front of his car. I give him a brave smile acting as if I'm not as nervous as I actually feel. We make the walk up to the door and I quickly lean forward to intertwine my fingers into his, hoping it'd bring me the comfort I need. He squeezes my hand, smiles at me then opens the door.

"Ross!" A girl, not too much older than me, runs over to us as soon as the door opened.

He smiles and hugs her, her platinum blonde hair catching my attention. Ross turns to me, pulling me forward with our hands then placing his hand on the small of my back. "Rydel, this is Hayley. Hayley, this is my sister Rydel."

"It's great to meet you finally," I say just as she pulls me into an immediate hug.

We hear boys screaming about football from the living room so that is the direction we head in. Four men sit on the couch, all of them staring intently at the screen. One of which I recognize as Rocky.

Ross clears his throat and the four immediately turn their head to look at us. "This is Hayley. Hayley, this is my dad, Riker, Ryland and you already know Rocky." He points to each person as he goes.

I smile and wave to them. "Nice to meet you," I say confidently.

"Is that my baby I hear?" A woman's voice comes from the left of us. I turn to look at the beautiful woman in front of me. Her eyes look tired and she has an apron wrapped around her body. Her light blonde hair was shaved down.

Ross' face immediately lights up, his face growing a massive smile. "Hi mom," he says, hugging her tightly. "This is Hayley."

I smile and walk closer to the two – their resemblance is outstanding. "Hi, I heard such wonderful things about you. It's so great to meet you!" I say.

His mother pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tightly. "I heard way too many good things about you, I needed to see what my son was raving about."

I glance at Ross, a smile on my face and the blush creeping up to his cheeks. I wink at him then ask his mom if she needs any help with anything right now. She politely declines then tells Ross to go show me around.

He shows me around the downstairs area, opening one door and pointing to the movie theater and gym. We head upstairs so he can show me his bedroom here and the rest of the other rooms. We go into his dark blue room, a few Vinyl covers decorated to bring some color to the otherwise dark room. His bed is fixed in the middle with a dresser across from it. A television hangs on the wall with a bathroom and walk in closet attached to the room.

I glance at him when I feel his eyes laying intensely on me. I turn my body to his. "Thank you for coming with me. She was so excited to meet you. She, um, she shaved her head this morning because she didn't want her hair to fall out anywhere when we eat dinner or when she was preparing it. So it's my first time seeing her like this and it's really hard. But I'm so glad you came."

I walk over to him, putting my arms around his neck and staring up into his eyes. "I'm glad I'm here too. I wanted to meet the wonderful woman who helped raise you."

Ross wraps his arms back around me, pulling me so our chests are touching. He looks at the halfway closed door then looks down to me. His eyes travel from my eyes to my lips then back up.

"I need you," he mumbles so quietly I almost did not hear him. My stomach twists and I simply continuing looking up into his eyes. His raw confession leaving me weak.

I can't process it quick enough when he dips his lips down onto mine. I repeat the same action I did not too long ago on my bed that night. I grab the back of his neck and pull him closer, his throat producing a hum of satisfaction.

I feel him push me gently against the wall, my back leaning against the cold paint. His lips hungrily kiss mine, his hands gripping my waist as though I will slip through his fingers any moment now.

I feel his mouth slow against mine, his lips leaning away until they break apart. He leans back in, quickly kissing them twice more. Ross leans his forehead against mine, a smile breaking out on his wonderful face.

I slide my hands onto his face, "as much as I liked that, I think we should get back downstairs before they suspect anything." I whisper softly.

Ross smiles and leans down, kissing me once more. "Fine," he whines and pulls me out of the room with him.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now