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My alarm clock rang way too early for my liking. I debate skipping class today, but I know I'll regret it later. Ross and I have our technique down with the way we prop our phones so we can talk and sleep without holding them. We used to just lay them on the bed, but we couldn't really see each other. I also roll around way too much so I knocked it off my bed once and scared the shit out of Ross.

Now, we have them propped on the side table so it faces the bed. I glance up at my phone to see Ross still fully passed out, his hands gripping the pillow beneath him as though to hold it. His body is diagonal, his face buried deep into the soft cushion. I'm surprised my alarm didn't wake him. I hang up and text him quickly before going on with my day.

Hayley: Good morning, I'm heading to class then the police station. I'll text you later. I know you have a long day today. Enjoy rehearsals, I'll definitely talk to you before your show x

I start my morning routine, starting with washing my face. Last night still feels surreal. My eyes rest on the big bruise I have across my neck. It's the summer and now I'm messing up my closet, trying to find a shirt that'll cover it. It's 90° F outside.

I put makeup on it and head out. I'll take it off before the police station, but I don't want wandering eyes in class.

Class was boring and I was anxious the entire time. I probably could've emailed my professor and explained the situation so I could miss class, but that doesn't mean I'm excused from work. I'd still have to teach myself all of this anyway.

Once I was out of the long class, I head to the dining hall. I grab food and go to my car. As sick to my stomach as I feel, I know it's unhealthy to not eat so I force a sandwich down my throat.

The next place I go is the police station. I'm nervous. I wipe off the makeup and continue inside.

I walk in and head up to the desk. "Hi, what can I do for you?" The man asks, his hand already scribbling something down from before.

"Hi. I need to file for a restraining order. I had a situation at my apartment yesterday, Officer Sanchez helped me out," I inform him, my hands shaking as I touch the high desk.

He nods, his eyes trailing from mine to my neck. "I understand. She's here, I'll go grab her for you. You can sit right over in those chairs. Hang tight," he smiles nicely at me then heads toward the back.

I sit in the chairs that he pointed to. I pull out my phone and send a text to both Liv and Ross. I'm not sure if Kayla knows yet so I don't text her.

Hayley: Hi babe. I'm at the station now. I'll text you when I'm done if you're free to talk about what happened. I love you x

I then send a quick text to Liv.

Hayley: Hey, I'm at the station now. I'll let you know if I learn anything else. Hope your day is going well :)

Liv: Hii, I was just thinking about you. Yes, definitely let me know. I'll be home later so we can watch a movie or something!

"Hayley, hi. How are you doing?" The female officer asks as she approaches me.

I stand up immediately. "I've been better," I admit.

I know it's a common thing to ask, but weren't you just at my apartment last night because my ex-boyfriend trespassed and held a shard of glass to my neck?

"Understandable. Let's head back to my desk so we can get started on the paperwork," she says, leading the way back.

I follow her to the desk and my phone vibrates in my hand.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now