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"What the fuck is going on?" Ross asks, strolling over to us.

I stare a little longer to make sure the blonde minion isn't following him.

Rydel glares at him. "You should've said something to me. Hayley is my friend too!" She yells.

"What? What should I have said?" He asks, raising his voice as well.

She snaps. "About Hayley's disorder! I shouldn't have had to find out about it from your evil witch of a girlfriend."

His eyes immediately meet mine and I bite down on my lip to stop any crying. I can't cry. "How... how did you-?"

"Dad had us try and find you. We heard you talking," Rydel whispers.

Ross walks closer to us, reaching out to grab my hand. "Hayley, I can explain."

"I should just go. I shouldn't have come," I say, grabbing my bag from the sink. "This is too much. From your crazy girlfriend to my personal shit being aired out like dirty laundry, this is too much. I have to go. Rydel, I love you. Please call me later and we can talk. This can't be happening here or now."

I need to do this for me. I can't be here for my own mental health.

I don't give either of them a second to respond before I'm out of the bathroom and making quick, long strides to the exit. I'm debating ripping these heels off and sprinting out of here. I need to get out.

I need to get out.

I need to get out.

My breathing is erratic and I know I'm going to break down any moment. Please let it be in my hotel room. Not even a moment later, the tears begin streaming down my face as I finally reach the fresh air I desperately needed.

But not just tears, a full blown sob escapes my mouth.

I'm debating calling Liv or Dr. Schultz the moment I get into my room.

This wasn't a good idea.

Why'd I think this was a good idea?

People glance at me as I hurry past, making a quick right to where my hotel room is. Someone grabs my hand and yanks me backward, catching me completely off guard.

"Come here, please," Ross begs, putting his hand onto the back of my head to bring me into his chest.

I try to fight against him at first. I give up, gripping onto his shirt and burying myself into his chest, the cries escaping my mouth. He shields me from the onlookers, his arms pulled around my back.

I've already caused enough drama.

I lean my head up and he immediately glances down at me. "I need to just go to my hotel room," I whisper, my bottom lip quivering as I try to swallow my tears.

His fingers are curled into my hips. "I'm sorry, Hayl. Fuck, I'm so sorry," he whispers.

"You have to go," I say, sliding my hands off his body to wipe my tears.

Ross begs. "Let me come with you."

I shake my head. "Please, just go back inside and act like everything is fine. Everything is fine. Call me later, okay?"

"Did you eat today?" He asks in a hushed whisper, his fingers still burning their way through my skin.

I nod. "Earlier, yeah. I'll talk to you later," I say. "Please, I need to go."

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now