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"It's been great! It's super cold here so if any part of your body isn't covered by clothing, it feels like glass cutting through you when you fall onto the snow. It's a lot colder than it usually is around this time of year," I explain to my mom over FaceTime. I'm lying against the soft blankets and waiting for Hayley to get out of the shower.

My mom smiles. "I'm glad you're having fun though. That's all that matters!"

I hear Hayley's phone beep from beside me so I pick it up. Across the main page, an unknown number says Hayley I can't stop thinking about you. I miss you and I need to see you again soon. It feels like it's been too long since I last held you.

My heart sinks. "Mom, can I call you back later? Room service just got here," I come up with a lie quickly.

She nods. "Of course. Have fun! But not too much fun!" I smile and hang up the phone.

I place Hayley's phone back into my hand and stare intently at the message. Do I reply asking who it is? Do I leave it for her to see whenever she picks up her phone next?

My stomach is turning and I feel like I'm going to puke all over the bed. Is this what it feels to lose someone you care so deeply about? I thought losing my ex-girlfriend was the worst day of my life and all the days thereafter weren't any better. That was minuscule in relation to how I feel now. And I haven't even lost her yet.

I hear the shower cut off and I rake through my head to try and figure out a plan on what to do. I take a deep breath and lean my head against my arm that's on the headboard.

The door clicks open and my heart sinks more. If she tells me that we are over, I don't know how I'll react, but I know it won't be good.

"What's wrong?" My beautiful girlfriend asks as she stands near the bathroom door. She runs across the room to the bed in which my natural reaction was to get away from her. I can't be near her when she breaks up with me. "Ross, talk to me. Please." She begs.

"Are you cheating on me?" My emotions are mixed with sadness and anger and I don't know which one is more powerful.

She hops off the bed and looks at me, her eyes wide with bewilderment. "What?" She asks softly.

"Are you, Hayley?" I yell. I know she heard me. Why does she have to make me repeat the question I am already dreading the answer to?

Hayley begins to shake her head. My nerves calming only slightly. "No, absolutely not! No, Ross." She says firmly. "Why are you asking me this?"

I look into her bright eyes only to see them rimmed with tears. "Why..." I begin. My heart beginning to pound even harder in my chest. "Why did he text you saying how much he misses you?"

She begins to cry and I feel even worse. "Who? I haven't even be talking or texting anyone else but you." She tries to convince me.

"You don't have the number saved."

She begins walking closer to me and my heart relaxes slightly. "Let me see." I put her phone in her hand and stare at her eyes, awaiting a response. I asked who it was to which she replied, "What the fuck?" Is she mad I saw her messages? "It's David, my ex."

"Have you seen him lately?" Stupid waiter at the damn sushi restaurant.

She rushes closer to me. "No, not since the restaurant we all went to. I promise I haven't even spoken to him. I promise I only want you," she shows me deleting the message then throwing her phone at the bed.

I promise I only want you.

The words repeat in my head as if it's a broken record.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. Reading that cut through me like a knife and I never felt that way because of a text message."

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now