Police?- 15

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Disclaimer: Unfortunately, these characters and photos don't belong to me.

Annabeth's POV
Same Day

"For today's lesson," Chiron started but was interrupted by the class phone ringing. He sighed and picked it up.

"Hello?" Chiron asked. The phone wasn't on speaker, so we could only hear his side of the conversation.

"The police? Why are-" once again Chiron was cut off by the person on the other line. Piper, who was sitting in front of me, turned around to face me and mouthed Police?

Students also picked up on the 'police' comment and started muttering among themselves. Chiron's face turned a mixture of concern and rage.

Chiron hung up the phone and straightened his white dress shirt. "Students, I will be right back."

"Dylan," Chiron said before he walked out. Dylan's head snapped up with a smug grin across his -unattractive- face. "Come with me."

"Chiron?" someone asked before Dylan or Chiron could leave. "Why are the police here?"

Chiron inhaled deeply. "Some students are great deal of trouble. You may chat among yourselves, but under no circumstances do you leave this classroom."

With that, Chiron and Dylan left. Leaving the rest of the classroom with questions and uncertainty.

"Have you talked to Percy since gym?" Jason asked while sliding into Percy's regular spot next to me.

I shook my head. After gym, Percy had swim while I had architecture, so we couldn't talk during that period. Unless, of course, we both skipped. "Not even a text. Why?"

"He and Dylan got in an argument after gym ended." Leo said, butting into the conversation and taking the empty seat next to Piper.

"But they don't even talk to each other. Why would he get in an argument with Dylan?" I asked no one in particular. Piper, Rachel, Reyna, Hazel, Silena, Beckendorf, Will, and Nico just listened since none of them could provide an answer.

"Don't know," Frank answered truthfully. "But I've never seen him so angry at someone."

Piper gave him a confused look. "But Percy came out of the locker room looking completely calm."

"That," Jason started, pointing at Piper. "Is because Percy punched Dylan across the face. Frank over here had to pull him away before he could do any more damage."

"You got to give him credit though," Leo started laughing a bit. "It was a dam Goode hit."

Reyna stared at Leo with a blank expression before face palming. "I cannot believe you used that pun when our friend is possibly in a lot of trouble."

"That's not like Percy." I tried to argue.

"I don't know, Annabeth." Jason began. "Percy has been having random outbursts since Gabe came to live with them. Constantly moving around, getting kicked out of school, starting fights. Stuff like that."

There was that name again; Gabe. The same name Sally used when she was talking with Percy during the Christmas party.

"Who's Gabe?" I questioned as I heard more sirens blaring.

"Gabe is-" Jason was interrupted by a police officer coming through the door.

"School is over for the rest of the day." the officer shouted. "The issue has been resolved, but officers are still putting in information and need space. Avoid the hallways closed off by police tape."

We grabbed our school supplies and headed out. This was definitely not the school experience I expected.


Let's just say, I'm not always a rule-follower. To get to my locker, I had to go through the hallway with the police tape. I expected the tape to be by the gym, but it was by the music room. The same music room that Percy and I met up in during lunch.

Police were questioning Percy. I half-expected the police officers to be yelling at him, but the officers acted calm and concerned around him.

Dylan on the other hand, was in hand cuffs, being scolded by police and the principal, Zeus Olympus. Three other guys were in Dylan's position staring at the ground in shame.

I went to my locker and waited. I don't know exactly why or how long I was waiting, but I waited until Percy got there. He had bruises all over and a busted lip.

"What happened?" I asked walking over to him. Percy looked down at the ground and chuckled a little.

"Does it look that bad?" Percy asked looking back up at me.

I punched his arm lightly. "No, but seriously what happened?"

"Come on, I just had to explain this to the police!" Percy exclaimed, throwing his hands in the arm. I motioned for him to continue. "Fine. Basically, Dylan and I got in a mini fight in the locker room. Dylan apparently wanted to finish it so he jumped me with a few of his friends. No biggie."

I grabbed my bag and returned to his side. "No biggie, Percy? You got jumped! You really think that's no big deal?"

"Uhh... No?" Percy responded grabbing his own bag. "I mean he got arrested and I got off free even though I started it."

I stopped in front of him. "You think it's your fault you got jumped? Come on, Percy! I know you're a Seaweed Brain, but no one deserves that."

"That's what everyone says." Percy muttered under his breath.

"And they're right." I said pushing the exit door open. "What was the argument about it the first place?"

Percy pretended he didn't hear me. "Wanna come over to my place?"

"Fine." I said, completely giving up on the conversation.


A/N: Hehe I have alot in store for next chapter...

Sorry for the shorter chapter!

Original Word Count: 939 words

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