Angel- 26

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Disclaimer: Unfortunately, these characters don't belong to me.

I'm guessing some people are wondering why I decided to do write a story that includes suicide. I decided to write about it because not a lot of people do, but it is an important topic that most people stray away from. Most people are uncomfortable with the topic of depression and suicide. So here I am...

My goal is not to encourage suicide/self-harm, but inform people about it.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter! (I enjoy writing it... *giggles*)

Percy's POV
January 27th, Sunday, 2019

Is this what dying is? 'Waking' up with something in your nostrils? Annoying the absolute shit (sorry, schist) out of you?

If that is so, I'm dead.

I went to pull it out, eyes still closed, but a gentle yet firm hand stopped me. I opened my eyes and turned my head to find someone in a chair next to the bed I was lying in.

At that point I was sure I was dead because my eyes fell upon an angel. Honey blonde curls cascaded down her shoulders and her eyes were a stormy grey-

Oh hey, it's Annabeth!

(A/N: somewhat of a PJO reference. Kinda going for those Titan's Curse vibes. Y'know when Aphrodite looked like Annabeth to Percy for a moment)

"Dumbass," she muttered under her breath even though my mom and Paul went in the room to hear. "That thing is helping you breathe."

I used the hand Annabeth wasn't holding to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. "Where am I?"


"Why am I in the hospital?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me though it seemed half-hearted.

"Are you really that stupid or do you not remember what happened two nights ago?" Annabeth questioned.

"Two nights?"

I tried to remember what happened. The memories were fuzzy at first, but they slowly came back to me. I remembered everything; the intense cutting, the pills on the counter, the phone call I should have declined.

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. "You probably really hate me right now."

"Hate is a strong word, but yeah." She joked, but turned serious. "You had us all worried for a moment, Seaweed Brain. Your mom especially."

"Where is she anyway?"

Annabeth shrugged. "Doctor came in a few minutes ago saying he needed to talk to her about something. They should be back soon."

Her words faded into a comfortable silence. Neither one of us felt us though we had to speak. During that time, I didn't let go of her hand. Afraid if I did, I would lose her completely.

"I'm sorry, Annabeth." I said after a while.

Annabeth's eyes watered slightly. "Don't say that, Percy. Those were the last words you said on the phone. I thought they were going to be the last words I ever heard from you-"

"Hey," I interrupted while sitting up. I placed my hand on her cheek and chuckled as I said, "I apologize for saying sorry." I lied back down. "So how long have you been here?"

Annabeth glanced at the clock reading four fifty five. "I drove back here around two."

I faked a gasp. "You haven't been here the whole time?" I put my hands behind my head only to feel a sharp pain in my wrists. They were covered in bandages.

"I stayed the whole day yesterday while Sally was at your apartment sleeping. She wanted me to stay and wait for you to wake up." Annabeth replied. "With a great responsibility like that comes a great need to take a nap."

(A/N: hehe, reference.)

Mom came in a few moments later. It is hard to describe how she felt. One minute she was holding on to me like her life depended on it. The next she was scolding the crap out of me about not trying to do anything like that ever again. I had the urge to tell her "No promises."

I didn't tell her that, but I wanted too.

Annabeth got a call from Thalia about something and had to leave a few minutes after mom's... I don't even know what to call it.

A small knock on the door got my mom's attention. She started to get up to open it, but had no need when our visitor came in.

"Hi. Sorry," said the doctor. "Just wanted to drop off the paperwork."

I frowned and turned to my mom. She look everywhere around the room, but couldn't meet my eyes. "Paperwork for what?"

Mom mumbled something that I didn't catch. Realizing I didn't hear, she spoke up.

"A rehab center"


A/N: I told myself I wouldn't leave you guys with another cliffhanger, but the cliffhanger still happened....

Word Count: 800 words

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