10k Bonus Chapter

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Disclaimer: Unfortunately, these characters and video don't belong to me.

I decided to do this bonus chapter because I need more time for Chapter 26. (It is titled 'Angel').

I am aware that I passed 10k quite some time now xD thanks, guys!

Before you read this, I want to know how you think Annabeth's mom died. It's being talked about in this chapter

Narrator's POV

This chapter takes place in the past. Way in the past. Where our young Annabeth Chase is only seven years old.

Frederick Chase hasn't even thought about joining the military. Instead, he is a college professor, married to Athena McLean Chase, an architectural genius.

Everyone was completely jealous of how perfect the Chase family was.

Well, how perfect they seemed to be.

You see, depression is a funny thing. It has a mind of its own. No matter who you are, what you've been through, how perfect your life is;

Depression simply doesn't give a fuck.

Annabeth's POV
January 8th, Tuesday, 2008

(A/N: Anybody recognize the date? I'll give you a clue: chapter 17... and look at the picture at the top. It doesn't really make sense, until you read this.)

Mommy always told me I was very smart, but she didn't know how right she was. Mommy never knew that I saw her cry while Daddy was at work. She never saw me watch her while drank her countless amounts of beers.

I told Daddy and he talked to Mommy about it, but she always said the say thing: I am fine. Mommy never lies, she told me lying was bad, so I trusted her.

"Mommy?" I asked one day while she was drawing up some new architectural designs. She looked over at me and smiled. "Can I help you, please?"

If it was possible, she smiled brighter than a star. "Of course, come over here sweetheart." I returned the smile and sat on her lap. My mother's chin rested on my shoulder. "What do you think we should do?"

I helped Mommy make lots of building like our dream house, an aquarium, a playground, and a children's hospital.

Once again, I found her smiling at me. But it wasn't a happy one for some reason. It looked sad like it hurt her to smile at me.

"When you get older, Μικρό αστέρι, I want you to build these." Mommy said to me. "If you decide you go into architecture, you'll build so many amazing things. People would cheer your name from all around the world."

I returned the smile to her. I went to leave, but a question formed at the back of my mind. Being curious was something I had inherited from my mother.

"Mommy?" I asked from the doorway. "What does that greek word mean?"

"Μικρό or Αστέρι?"

I thought for a minute. I already knew Μικρό meant small. Daddy was giving me lessons on Greek and Latin because I wanted to learn my parents' first language. "Αστέρι."

"Star," She replied, turning back to her work. Little did I know, that would be the last conversation I ever had with my mother.

Later That Day (around 8:30 pm)

"Hello beautiful!" Daddy said picking me up from the ground and giving his signature, kind smile. I giggled at his messy blonde hair. The students he taught probably gave him a hard time, causing him to mess it up with pieces sticking up."How was your day?"

"Good! Mommy let me help her design her acke- archie-" I threw my hands in the air. "That dumb word is too hard to say!"

He laughed. "Architecture. Thats how you say it. Now," he put me down on the floor. "Go get your mother. I got olive pizza!"

"Yay!" I cheered. If you haven't had olive pizza before, you should try it sometime; it's amazing!

I ran into my parents room, but Mommy wasn't in there like she said she would be. I noticed the bathroom light on.

(A/N: I swear to the gods you guys are probably going to hate me after this.)

Silently, I walked in. Mommy was on the ground with her eyes shut. I remembered how Daddy always said his favorite part of Mommy and I, behind our personality and smiles, were our grey eyes.

But the only problem was the thing he cherished most about my mother would never appear shine again. Of course, we didn't know that at the time.

(A/N: Notice how I stop saying 'mommy')

I walked over to my mom and shook her a little. A small, empty medicine bottle rolled out of her hand.

"Mommy?" I said, shaking her a little more. She didn't get up. "Daddy's home and he has pizza."

Mom didn't reply.

"Daddy!" I called out, loud enough for him to hear me from downstairs. "Mommy won't get up!"

"Coming! One second," he shouted back up.

I took a that second to look at my mom. For once, she didn't look as tired, but instead at ease. Her usual tan skin appeared deathly pale. Mom's sleeves were rolled up a little, showing a few cuts on her wrists.

Ignoring all the signs that I should be calling an ambulance, I sat down next to her sleeping form and played with her black hair.

I always enjoyed playing with her hair. It was softer than a blanket and smoother than silk. Black as a raven's feathers.

Daddy appeared in the doorway. His blue eyes widened at mom and the scene.

"Annabeth, get out and go get a phone!" He yelled and crouched down beside her. I ran out into the bedroom to grab the phone on the nightstand.

I ran back into the bathroom and handed Daddy the phone. He dialed a number into the phone and put it on speaker so he could talk to the person while checking my mom's arm. I noticed tears running down the side of his face.

After three rings, a lady picked up. "911, what's your emergency?"

"My wife!" Daddy answered immediately. "She shallowed all the pills, I think she tried to commit..." he choked on the last word.

"What, sir?" The lady said. "I need you to tell me what happened."



A/N: *clears throat* so yeah, I'm gonna go.....

Word Count: 1055 words

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